
2025-01-01 10:29:34

Proxy:一般只模式 代理模式 侧重代码实现 比如WEB SERVICERS使用代理类访问实际类
Agent:从大的角度看。比如整体驾构 采用代理
Delegate :C#中的啊 冒似函数指针样的东东

1. A person authorized to act for another; an agent or substitute.
2. The authority to act for another.
3. The written authorization to act in place of another.

1. A person authorized to act as representative for another; a deputy or an agent.
2. A representative to a conference or convention.
3. A member of a House of Delegates, the lower house of the Maryland, Virginia, or West Virginia legislature.
4. An elected or appointed representative of a U.S. territory in the House of Representatives who is entitled to speak but not vote.
tr.v.(-gt)del·e·gat·ed, del·e·gat·ing, del·e·gates
1. To authorize and send (another person) as one's representative.
2. To commit or entrust to another: delegate a task to a subordinate.
3. Law To appoint (one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself.
Agent 多表示一个组织的一员,比如FBI探员什麼的之类的

1. One that acts or has the power or authority to act.
2. One empowered to act for or represent another: an author's agent; an insurance agent.
3. A means by which something is done or caused; instrument.
4. A force or substance that causes a change: a chemical agent; an infectious agent.
5. A representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government: an FBI agent.
6. A spy.
7. Linguistics The noun or noun phrase that specifies the person through whom or the means by which an action is effected.


delegate 是被推选出代表人(是一个团体的代表)
proxy 代表人(只代表一个人) 即委任别人替你参与(会议/投票)活动 (或要收费若委任的是尊业人士)。
agent 经纪人 / 代理 (尊业要收费的)