My dear penfriend, I will spend a loy of time in Hong Kong, but honest speaking,I prefer Shangha. Also, it's a fantastic place to visit,and I am very lucky to have this six months of English course here. Some other students learn French. I want to learn some other language,What about you? because we have too much time here. Last night, I went to a Chinese concert. Most of my friends like loud music. They can dance with it.As for me, I prefer the quiet and traditional music, so that concert was very suitable for me. What kind of music do you like? Before the concert, we ate Italian food. Do you like it? There are a lot of kinds of food, do you like them? My host family will take me to the Indian film festival next weekend. I don't know what to expect because I have never seen an Indian film before. How about you? Some people say that Indian films are bored, but others say they are very good to watch, what kind of movies do you like? .