1 中级工程师
Intermediate Engineer
2 造价工程师
Cost Engineer
3 执业资格证书
Registered Qualification Certificate
4 国家注册一级建造师证书
Registered Certificate of Constructor The People’s Republic of China 简称为 RCCPRC
5 施工图纸
Construction Drawings
6 土建投资
Civilwork Investment
7 预应力钢筋混凝土结构(后张法)
Pre-stressed Reinforced Concrete Structure(Post Tensioning Method)
8 建筑物抗震等级为四级
Earthquake-proof strength of buildings are categorized into 4 levels.
9 胶粉聚苯颗粒保温砂浆外墙粉刷及面砖饰面层
Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar Stucco and Facing Brick Finishing
Adhesive Polystyrene Granule and Insulation Mortar External Rendering and Facing Brick Finishing
10 保温与节能型建筑
Thermal-insulating and Energy-saving Buildings
Heat-and-energy-preservation Buildings