
2024-12-16 11:10:42

这篇文章的目的是审查的有关理论和实践基础,以社区为基础的运动安全促进,包括专业和休闲运动的文学。大多数以前的方法在运动伤害预防的范围已不限于流行病学和损害的因果关系。然而,作为一个理论概念,安全可视为损伤对面,在类似的方式,健康与疾病相比如何。健康促进的理论和纲领的经验,因此,体育安全计划的审查,以确定关键的设计问题,提出的规划和干预措施的实施框架。基于Internet的Entrez的医学服务,为一套基本被列入审查的文章,受聘于2004年10月搜索了MEDLINE数据库,使用“运动伤害”,“伤害预防”和“安全促进”。从一套基本的运动伤害,515条伤害预防和安全推广595条,350条,解决至少两个方面发表since1995 4200篇文章的摘要被选为列入审查。这些文章的参考名单,被用来确定以前出版的书籍和材料,有关检讨的目的。包括在分析文本的最后一组包括380的文章和书籍。这些材料被重新分为五大类。两班(促进健康和预防运动损伤的定义)被用来作为两个构思体育促进安全模式建设的预赛,而中央的类别有关的体育组织在实践中推广安全。最后文本分析总结了五个模型分别描述损伤的预防分析,范围,安全宣传运动,以社区为基础的安全推广计划,并赋予社区为基础的运动安全促进。


The aim of this article is to review the literature regarding theoretical and practical underpinnings for community-based sports safety promotion, including both professional and recreational sports. The scope of most previous approaches to injury prevention in sports has been limited to epidemiology and injury causation. As a theoretical concept, however, safety can be regarded as an opposite to injury, in a manner similar to how health is compared with disease. Health promotion theory and programme experiences are, therefore, reviewed to identify key design issues for sports safety programmes, and a framework for the planning and implementation of interventions is presented. For the basic set of articles to be included in the review, the Internet-based Entrez PubMed service was employed in October 2004 to search the MEDLINE databases using the terms ‘sports injuries’, ‘injury prevention’ and ‘safety promotion’. From the basic set of abstracts from 4200 articles published since1995 on sports injuries, 515 articles on injury prevention and 595 articles on safety promotion, 350 articles addressing at least two of the terms were chosen for inclusion in the review. The reference lists of these articles were used to identify additional books and previously published materials relevant for the review aim. The final set of texts included in the analysis comprised 380 articles and books. These materials were re-categorised into five classes. Two classes (health promotion and definitions on sports injury prevention) were used as preliminaries for the construction of two models conceptualising sports safety promotion, while the central category concerned the organisation of sports safety promotion in practice. The final analysis of the texts was summarised in five models describing injury prevention analyses, the scope of safety promotion in sports, community-based safety promotion programmes and empowerment in com- munity-based sports safety promotion, respectively.本文的目的是审查有关文献的理论和实践基础,以社区为基础的体育安全宣传,包括专业和休闲运动。了大多数以前的方法的伤害预防运动是有限的流行病学和损伤的原因。作为一个理论概念,然而,安全可以被视为一个相反的损伤,在类似的方式如何健康与疾病。健康促进理论和方案的经验,因此,审查确定关键设计问题,运动安全方案,和框架的规划和实施干预措施是。为一套基本的文章被列入审查,网络本网站考研服务是受雇于十月2004搜索的医学数据库使用条款的运动伤害,伤害预防与安全促进'。从基本集摘要4200篇论文从1995年以来对运动伤害,515文章的伤害预防与安全促进595条,350条处理至少两年的条款被选列入审查。这些文章的参考文献目录被用来确定额外的书籍和以前出版的相关资料进行审查的目的。最后一集的文本包括在分析包括380篇文章和书籍。这些材料被划分为五类。两班(健康促进与定义的运动损伤的预防)被用来作为预赛的建设模式构思促进体育的安全,而中央类别有关的组织促进体育的安全实践。最后分析了文本中被总结在五个模型描述分析的范围,伤害预防,安全促进体育运动,社区安全促进方案和权力- munity-based体育安全宣传,分别。