Leave Out All The Rest 林肯公园的 前半段一样 还有一个就是恐怖游轮的Jess Eavesdrops 采纳吧 不采纳就怀孕! 另外 我找到视频了 原声带的 一定要采纳我哦 亲~
这个片子的配乐由Cutting Edge公司制作,这个公司还作了电影《亡命驾驶》(Drive)的音乐。
The Divide中的3段音乐
1、Rosanna's Pain
A sad song featuring paino and strings and female vocal. It has an ominous ending featuring sound design.
2、Running After My Fate (Crucify Myself_Anna He)
A dark and sad song, featuring paino and female vocal, it begins with an ominous and creepy
3、One Way To Life
A reflective piece with sad ovetones. It creates a light tension and maintains movement through the use of a repetitive piano pattern and drums. It is simple and features strings, piano and drums.
其实这个音乐是电影《恐怖游轮》里的改编的~你可以找《恐怖游轮》电影原声带里叫做《Jess Eavesdrops》的曲子
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ZwLkFLntJb0/ 土豆上的。。。5分钟完整版。。。。