英文诗 :
I gaze on the moon as I tread the drear wild,
And feel that my mother now thinks of her child,
As she looks on that moon from our own cottage door,
Through the woodbine, whose fragrance shall cheer me no more. 穿过冬忍树丛,浓郁树香再也不能安慰我的心灵。
Home! Home! Sweet, sweet Home!
There's no place like Home! There's no place like Home!
A galaxy is a huge gravitationally bound system of stars, interstellar gas and dust, plasma, and (possibly) unseen dark matter. Typical galaxies contain 10 million to one trillion (107 to 1012) stars, all orbiting a common center of gravity. In addition to single stars and a tenuous interstellar medium, most galaxies contain a large number of multiple star systems and star clusters as well as various types of nebulae. Most galaxies are several thousand to several hundred thousand light years in diameter and are usually separated from one another by distances on the order of millions of light years.
Earth (often referred to as "the earth") is the third planet in the solar system in terms of distance from the Sun, and the fifth in order of size. It is the largest of its planetary system's terrestrial planets and the only place in the universe known by humans to support life. The Earth was formed around 4.57 billion years ago[1] (see Age of the Earth) and its largest natural satellite, the Moon, was orbiting it shortly thereafter, around 4.533 billion years ago.
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has no formal name other than "The Moon", although in English it is occasionally called Luna (Latin for moon), or Selene (Greek for moon), to distinguish it from the generic "moon" (natural satellites of other planets are also called moons). Its symbol is a crescent. The terms lunar, selene/seleno-, and -cynthion (from the Lunar deities Selene and Cynthia) refer to the Moon (aposelene, selenocentric, pericynthion, etc.).
译文 :
人才荟萃,是一个巨大的引力约束系统的恒星,星际气体和尘埃,等离子体,并(可能)不出面的暗物质。典型的星系中含有1000万至1万亿韩元( 107至1012 )星星,都绕一个共同的重心。此外,以单一的恒星和脆弱的星际介质,大多数星系含有大量的多星系统和星簇以及各种类型的星云。大多数星系几千到几十万光年,直径通常是分开的,又距离对秩序的数百万光年。
地球(通常被称作"地球" ) ,是第三个行星在太阳系中的条款和太阳间距离的,而第五,以便其规模大小。它是世界上最大的行星系统的陆地行星,而且是唯一的地方,在宇宙中已知的人类,以支持生命。地球形成约45.7亿年前[ 1 ] (见时代的地球)和其最大的一颗天然卫星,月球,是绕它此后不久,约45.33亿年前。
月球是地球唯一的天然卫星。它没有任何的正式名称以外的"月亮" ,尽管在英语,它是偶尔被媒体称为月球(拉丁语为月亮) ,或selene (希腊文为月亮) ,以区分它从笼统的"月亮" (天然卫星的其他行星也称为月亮) 。其标志是一个新月。条款月球, selene/seleno- ,并cynthion (从农历诸神selene和辛西娅)是指月亮( aposelene , selenocentric , pericynthion等) 。
质量 7.349e+22 kg
赤道半径 1.2298e-02 km
平均密度 3.34 gm/cm^3
平均地距 384,400 km
自转周期 27.32166 天
公转周期 27.32166 天
平均轨道速度 1.03 km/sec
赤道地表重力 1.62 m/sec^2
赤道逃逸速度 2.38 km/sec
昼间平均地表温度 107°C
夜间平均地表温度 -153°C
最高地表温度 123°C
最低地表温度 -233°C
月球上面有阴暗的部分和明亮的区域。早期的天文学家在观察月球时,以为发暗的地区都有海水覆盖,因此把它们称为“ 海 ”。著名的有云海、湿海、静海等。而明亮的部分是山脉,那里层峦叠嶂,山脉纵横,到处都是星罗棋布的环形山。位于南极附近的贝利环形山直径295公里,可以把整个海南岛装进去。最深的山是牛顿环形山,深达8788米。除了环形山,月面上也有普通的山脉。高山和深谷叠现,别有一番风光。
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has no formal name other than "The Moon", although in English it is occasionally called Luna (Latin for moon), or Selene (Greek for moon), to distinguish it from the generic "moon" (natural satellites of other planets are also called moons).