
2024-12-19 04:42:21

Price:“There's simplicity to war.Attakeing is the only secret.Dare,and the world yields.”
Price:"How quickly they forget that all it takes to change the course of history-is the will of a single man."

Makarov:"Who is this."
Price:"Prisoner6-2-7,I'm coming for you,Makarov."
Makarov:"Have't you heard,Price.They say the wor is over."
Price:"My war ends with you."
Makarov:"Like it ended for Captain in MacTavishi?Tell me ,Price,how long did it take him to die?"
Makarov:"i've destroyed yourworld piese by piese.It's only a matter of time until I find you."
Price:“You won't have to lcok far...”
Price: this is a recording. History is written by the victors. History is full of lies. If he is alive and we are dead words, his truth will be recorded. And we will be erased. Shepherd will be a hero. Because you want to change the world did was a good lies and rivers of blood. He will soon complete history of the great lies. He's the truth will be the truth. But only when he live down, and we die.(普莱斯:这是一段录音。历史是由胜利者书写的。历史是充满谎言的。如果他活着而我们死了的话,他的真相会被记录下来。而我们的会被抹去。谢普德将会成为英雄。因为你要改变世界所做的只是一个好的谎言和河流般的鲜血。他马上就要完成历史上最厉害的谎言了。他的真相将会成为真理。但是只有当他活下来,而我们死去的时候。)
Price:Ordinary people don't wake up in the morning thought this is the last day of life. But I think this is a luxury, rather than curse. Know yourself numbered is a relief. The liquidation over. No weapon. With a pair of hundreds. By hot heads to carry out a suicide mission. But here's the sandstorm and rock has been the thousands of years of war defiled. We will therefore be remembered. For in our endless nightmare, it is our own choose to enter. We will be like the mind jumps out of lava general forward. We had our hearts, the clear goal: we, and killed him.