Likes with hating the pinnacle of poetic creation
- Jan Ping "Howls Mountain village"
Amy Li suddenly 朗特 after "Howls Mountain village" topublish by the person was continuously thought is in the Englishhistory of literature "the most unusual novel", is "the mystery notmeasures" "strange book" Continuously adores to "Howls Mountainvillage", always wants specifically aftertaste this great work.
Mentioned "Howls Mountain village", has no alternative but said amy Lisuddenly 朗特 this great writer.
This female writer merely passed in the world for 30 years then remainobscure to leave the world. "Howled Mountain village" to establish herin the English history of literature as well as the world history ofliterature status. She with "Jane Eyre" author Xia Luodi suddenly朗特 and their little younger sister - "Loves the Standard NiceGrey" the author is peaceful suddenly 朗特 is known as suddenly朗特 three sisters, glows the extraordinary splendor in the English19th century literary arenas.
Amy Li suddenly 朗特 lives during 30 years are precisely the Englishsociety turbulent times. The capitalism is developing and more andmore exposes its intrinsic flaw; Between the labor contradictory isincisive; Unemployed worker's impoverished; The massive child laborersbrutally are suffered until death. In addition the English governmentadopts the high-pressured section to the democratic reform struggleand the labor movement, therefore this time literary work also has thereflection. Our female writer amy Li suddenly 朗特 is the birth theage which struggles like this. She lives in a pastor family, thisfamily always lives a solitary life, four Brother sisters then ChangYi studies, the writing poetry, and the fabrication legend story killsthe lonely time. Their family although approaches boldly moistens theSi industrial district, however this housing exactly is locatedbetween the cities and wilderness. Amy Li frequently and her takes awalk sisters to the west wilderness geographical features. Thereforeon the one hand suddenly 朗特 the sisters saw in the cities has beendeveloping capitalist society, on the other hand also has receivedwilderness atmosphere infection. Amy Li, her surface silence isspecially uncommunicative, the innermost feelings actually areoverflowing with enthusiasm, although does not understand politics,actually extremely cares about politics, the sympathy handicraftsman'srevolt and the struggle. This was "Howled Mountain village" the birthhas created the condition.
The novel visits the thrush country estate from with story nearlyirrelevant visitor Lockerwu De Mr. with to howl the mountain villageto start, reappears the Katherine graciousness mouth of through thefemale steward to be dreary and the schiesz 克利夫 love. The entirestory plot is in fact gradually unfolds through four stages:
The first stage narrated the schiesz 克利夫 the childhood lifewhich is constantly together with Katherine; An abandoned baby and ayoung lady the special sentiment which form in this kind of specialenvironment, as well as they to Xin Delei despotic tyrannical revolt.
The second stage emphatically describes Katherine because the vanity,ignorant and is ignorant, has abandoned the schiesz 克利夫, hasbecome the thrush country estate hostess.
How does the third stage 克利夫 filled with hate by the massivewords description schiesz in despairing changes into revenges the snowshame scheme and the motion.
The fourth stage although had only confessed the schiesz 克利夫death, actually prominently has promulgated after he understood Harryand 凯蒂 falls in love, in the thought experiences one kind ofbrand-new change - human nature recovering, thus causes this to writeup has the terrorist color the love tragedy to disclose a bunch makesthe ray of hope which one is pleased.
The schiesz 克利夫 love as soon as hates as soon as to take revengea human nature recovering, not only is the novel the essence, alsopasses through a throughout red line. The author according to thisvein, seeks a layout, arranges unpredictably the scene, the storythroughout covers in the atmosphere which one kind of terror notmeasured.
"Howls Mountain village" through a love tragedy, had demonstrated tothe people all sorts of fearsome events which an abnormal society'slife picture, outlined was twisted by this abnormal society the humannature and its creates. In the novel, author's complete painstakingcare condenses in the schiesz 克利夫 image portray, she has reposedown complete indignation, the sympathy and the ideal in here. This isdeprived the world warm abandoned baby to raise in the practical lifethe intense love with the hatred, the Xin Delei leather whip hascaused he 尝到 the life brutality, also the church he understoodswallows an insult destiny which submits is unable to change oneselfis insulted. He has chosen the revolt. Katherine once was his faithfulpartner, those two sprouted the sincere love in the common revolt.However, Katherine finally has actually betrayed the schiesz克利夫, married for her had not understood, also simply did notlove 埃德加 Linton. Creates this love tragedy the immediate causeto lie in Katherine to realize their social position to be disparate,actually fantasized borrows Linton which she envies richly to come "tohelp Greece to puncture a gram severe husband to rise high", causesher elder brother "to have no right to question". This certainly isnot impossible. Instead cast has been greatly wrong, she fell into thetrap which oneself personally wove, has ruined own youth, the love andthe life, also has destroyed the schiesz which throughout waspassionately devoted to her 克利夫, but also has almost entrappednext generation. When amy Li suddenly 朗特 portrays this person, hasthe sympathy, also has the indignation; Some regretted, also haswhips; Both the sorrow its is unfortunate, and gets angry it not tostruggle, the mood is extremely complex.
After Katherine's betrayal and its the marriage the sorrow destiny, isthe entire book most significant turning point. It causes the schiesz克利夫 filled with love to change into incomparable hating;Katherine as soon as dies, this cavity hatred volcano bursts out, hasbecome the crazy revenge power. The schiesz 克利夫 goal hasachieved, he not only let Xin Delei and 埃德加 chilly painstakinglydied, has lorded over two manors industries, but also let they evenwhite innocent next generation also fully enjoy the bitter fruit. Thiskind crazy revenges 泄恨, apparents disobeys to the common sense,but actually incisively expressed the rebel spirit which he非同一般, this is the special revolt which one kind of specialenvironment, the special disposition decided. The schiesz 克利夫love tragedy is society's tragedy, also is the time tragedy. . Justlike 诺德 凯特尔 said that, "Greece punctures the gram Li Fu'srevolt is one kind of special revolt, was these (refers by thisidentical society Victoria time society) the condition and the societyrelates in the human body and the spirit has disparaged worker'srevolt. The schiesz 克利夫 afterwards indeed no longer was by theexploiter, however also indeed just because he has used ruling class'sstandard, in his early time revolt and in him the human nature valuewhich implied to Katherine's love in also vanishes. All contains whichin Katherine and the schiesz 克利夫 relations, represents all inhumanity's demand and the hope, only has through is oppressedpositively revolts can realize." But in any event, the schiesz克利夫 said on that time that, is a character which is worthsympathizing with, his revenge is may understand.
"Howls Mountain village" the story is by the schiesz 克利夫achieved the revenge goal commits suicide comes to an end. His deathwas one kind commits suicide together in the name of love, to expresshim to the Katherine life and death faithful love. For several years,Katherine's solitary person paces back and forth the sob inwilderness, was waiting for the schiesz 克利夫, finally a schieszgram severe husband left the world, their soul no longer is lonely,nighttime in wilderness, under the precipice takes a walk... ... Butthe schiesz 克利夫 front gave up the thought at the point of deathwhich retaliates on the next generation body, indicated his instinctoriginally is good, only is because the brutal reality twisted hisinstinct, forces him to change tyrannically heartlessly. This kind ofhuman nature recovering is in one kind of spiritual sublimation, issparkling the author humanitarianism ideal. An its counter- at thesame time generation of work universal existence moved principleaffective tone, but by the intense love, wild hates and by it but theheartless retaliation, has substituted for low and deep moved and themelancholy. It just like an unusual lyric poetry, between the lines isfilling the rich imagination and the hurricane violent emotion, hasshocks the will of the people the artistic strength.
The talent brims with female writer amy Li suddenly 朗特 this onlynovel - "Howls Mountain village", forever emits in the English 19thcentury literary arenas bright star cluster uniquely, is dodging theextraordinary splendor glory!