1、茶之起源 The origin of the tea
2、茶之敬意 The respect meaning contained(蕴含) in the tea
3、茶储具 The store utensils for the tea
4、茶中茶之奇迹 The miracle of the tea in drinking tea
茶之起源 The origin of tea
茶之敬意 the devoir of tea
茶储具the set of tea
茶中茶之奇迹 The miracle of tea in tea
1. origin of tea
2. respect in tea
3. storing set of tea
4. supreme tea of all tea
1、茶之起源 Origin of Tea
2、茶之敬意 Respect of Tea
3、茶储具 utensils of Tea
4、茶中茶之奇极 ultimate nonsuch of Tea
这要看具体情况了,如果你写一篇关于茶的文章,比如就以"茶"为标题,以这四方面为文章里段落标题,那么后面这四方面均不需要出现"茶"字.分别译为, Origin,Reverence,Appliance,Fragrance.
如果是单独翻译这几个词,那么最好的方式就是名词做定语.可译为,tea origin, tea reverence, tea applicance,tea fragrance.