英语翻译 急啊 各位翻译帝帮帮忙咯

2024-12-25 22:15:50

Rock in the 1950s, the rise of the United States. It is not only a new form of music, more young Americans to express their forum for the world and life view. In this forum, the singer who sang the attitude of young people on civil rights, war and peace, sing their dissatisfaction with the social, but also sing a variety of emotions between love and hate.In short, in this forum, the young people to their beliefs and feelings of the American society to give a new explanation. The main representative of the early rock and roll Elvis Presley, singer, plus poet Bob Warren, The Beatles and the Rolling Stones and so on. They are all young people to worship the culture hero.


Nineteen fifties rock is rising in the United states. It is not only a new musical form, it is the United States of America 's young people to express their views on the world and life forum. In this forum, the singers sing the young people of civil rights, war and peace, attitude, sing out their social discontent, also sang emotions between love and hate. In conclusion, in this forum, young people put them on American social beliefs and feelings of a new explanation. Early representatives of the rock music include Elvis Presley, singer and poet Bob Warren, the Beatles and the rolling stones. They are all young people worship the culture hero. I will help him. (绝对正确)