Elementary school lower grade infantile psychology cognitioncharacteristic and teaching enlightenment
The educational psychology (educational psychology) thoughtthat, The elementary school lower grade child because its highernervous system growth is incomplete, it intends the selectivity andthe stability which pays attention all worse, they also not too cancontrol own attention, easily novel, unusual, arise suddenly无关刺激 attracts, thus is easy to divert attention. Therefore atthe beginning of the newborn matriculation, a most important teachingduty is the attention raise, promotes development which the childintends to pay attention. Says to the elementary school lower gradechild, hall class 45 minutes all request them to maintain the highcentralism, this is unscientific, specially works as the study contentand study form monotonous tasteless time. Therefore, the teacher maynot force the elementary student in the teaching to focus theattention, but must through be novel, vivid, the lively study contentand the study form, will intend to pay attention to and has nointention to pay attention to the rule ingeniously to unify, lengthensstudent's attention maintenance time, guaranteed the study dutysmoothly will complete.
Educational psychology educational psychology also pointed out that,According to the information in the brains the record and theexpression way division, the memory has two kind of types: Vividmemory and abstract memory. In the vivid memory preserves or thereappearance is the thing concrete image, it has, the distinctcharacteristic direct-viewing. The abstract memory is called the wordlogic to remember that, it is by the word form to the thought, theidea memory, it has the concise quality and the logic. The vividmemory and the abstract memory all develop along with the child agegrowth, is only in the disparity in age stage, the two occupies thesuperiority the situation to be different. In the elementary schoollower grade, child's vivid memory occupies the superiority, theysurpassed to specifically the vivid material memory effect to thespoken language material memory effect, the elementary school highergrades child have gradually surpassed to the abstract spoken languagematerial memory rate of increment to specifically the vivid materialmemory rate of increment, but they to the abstract spoken languagematerial memory still take the concrete thing as the foundation.Therefore, in the elementary school lower grade teaching, more usesthe video frequency, the picture, the cartoon design took inparticular the assistance method, has the extremely good effect