学习外语最重要就是.好.的语言环境,我经常和多恩加英语,夭下英语中心,意格英语的外教交流,他们是专门做企业辅导的,从学习效果来说是非常好的,不过上课前和任课老师沟通下再决定。这个...是中考英语么...给你点思路啊.1.go to other shops or call their manager....for example,Thomas Edison's light bulb,he found tungsten(钨) to deal with s problems.s splendid idea lead us to the light time..问题有问题....spring festival,cause I get pocket money and can play computer games and PS for hours a day wothout being blamed for not protecting my eyes.I also can eat what i want and hang out with friends.顺便问一句这个是哪里的中考题...........
For the first question,my answer is yes.Generally speaking,the higher education a person received,the more service he will do for the society.In