录取比例很低,概率小,是很难,不过这种说不准的,没有硬性录取线不像高考。确实也说看重其它方面,楼主有特长,兴趣爱好广泛很不错。SAT说是那么说,如果其它方面同样的水平,能有个好分数当然好些。1900低了些,到了2000就高了一个档次,2100和2200就差别不大了嗬嗬。当然如果某一方面特别优秀,SAT的重视度就更加低了。但是要那样某一方面特别优秀很难,不是说会的东西多爱好广,是说有一项特别突出的专长。那个一般要非常有天分and/or从小培养,需要很专门的条件。奥赛获奖之类就是那方面的一种证明形式。没有那样的话还是提高SAT分数比较实际。听你的情况描述,你是比较偏向文科的吧,也没有那么“偏才型”,没有那种比赛奖也不要紧嗬嗬,还是朝全面发展比较好。还是努力下SAT好些。申请一下这所学校是可以的,有理想是可嘉的。他们肯定有录取差不多类型的学生,不过每个人情况都有所不同,admission officers此时彼时的心情状态要求喜好也有变化,说不定的。所以说可以申请下试试看,不要因为觉得困难而放弃梦想。
What does Yale look for?
Students and parents often look for a specific answer to the following question: If a candidate presents A, B, and C, will he or she be admitted to Yale? Unfortunately, so many factors are at play in the selection process that outcomes for most candidates in the pool are impossible to predict. We estimate that over three quarters of the students who apply for admission to Yale are qualified to do the work here. Between two and three hundred students in any year are so strong academically that their admission is scarcely ever in doubt. The great majority of students who are admitted, however, stand out from the rest because a lot of little things, when added up, tip the scale in their favor. The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful candidate at Yale is often painfully small.