Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death.He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general. His book A Brief History of Time appeared on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks. Hawking was a fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, and a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. In 2002, Hawking was ranked number 25 in the BBC's poll of the 100 Greatest Britons.
His scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called Hawking radiation. Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Hawking had a rare early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease (also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis "ALS" or Lou Gehrig's disease) that gradually paralysed him over the decades.Even after the loss of his speech, he was still able to communicate through a speech-generating device, initially through use of a hand-held switch, and eventually by using a single cheek muscle. He died on 14 March 2018 at the age of 76.
斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking,1942年1月8日至2018年3月14日),男,出生于英国牛津,英国剑桥大学著名物理学家,现代最伟大的物理学家之一、20世纪享有国际盛誉的伟人之一。
About Stephen - A Brief History of Mine
Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents' house was in north London, but during the second world war Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do Mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science.
Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at the time. His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.
Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws which govern the universe. With Roger Penrose he showed that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a beginning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated it was necessary to unify General Relativity with Quantum Theory, the other great Scientific development of the first half of the 20th Century. One consequence of such a unification that he discovered was that black holes should not be completely black, but should emit radiation and eventually evaporate and disappear. Another conjecture is that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time. This would imply that the way the universe began was completely determined by the laws of science.
His many publications include The Large Scale Structure of Spacetime with G F R Ellis, General Relativity: An Einstein Centenary Survey, with W Israel, and 300 Years of Gravity, with W Israel. Stephen Hawking has two popular books published; his best seller A Brief History of Time, and his later book, Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.
Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.
Stephen Hawking continues to combine family life (he has three children and one grandchild), and his research into theoretical physics together with an extensive programme of travel and public lectures.
斯蒂芬·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),是本世纪享有国际盛誉的伟人之一,被称为在世的最伟大的科学家。现年60岁,出生于伽利略逝世周年纪念日,剑桥大学应用数学及理论物理学系教授,当代最重要的广义相对论和宇宙论家。70年代他与彭罗斯一道证明了著名的奇性定理,为此他们共同获得了1988年的沃尔夫物理奖。他因此被誉为继爱因斯坦之后世界上最著名的科学思想家和最杰出的理论物理学家”。
该书不是一部寻常的口述历史,而是对二十世纪人类最伟大的头脑之一的极为感人又迷人的画像和描述。对于非专业读者,本书无疑是他们享受人类文明成果的机会和滋生宝贵灵感的源泉。《霍金讲演录——黑洞、婴儿宇宙及其他》,是由霍金1976-1992年间所写文章和演讲稿共13篇结集而成。讨论了虚时间、有黑洞引起的婴儿宇宙的诞生以及科学家寻求完全统一理论的努力,并对自由意志、生活价值和死亡作出了独到的见解。在三年工作量并不巨大的学习之后,他获得了一等自然科学荣誉学位,之后进入剑桥大学研究宇宙学,当时牛津大学还没有宇宙学这个专业。尽管他希望能够跟当时在剑桥的弗雷德·霍伊尔(Fred Hoyle)身边做研究,但是他的导师却是丹尼斯·西艾玛(Dens Scama)。在获得博士学位之后,他成为一名研究员,后来成为冈维尔和凯厄斯学院(Gonvlle and Caius College)的教授。
1、 1989年获得英国爵士荣誉称号
2、 是英国皇家学会学员和美国科学院外籍院士
3、 伦敦皇家天文学会的埃丁顿勋章
4、 梵蒂冈教皇科学学会十一世勋章
5、 霍普金斯奖
6、 美国丹尼欧海涅曼奖
7、 马克斯韦奖
8、 英国皇家学会的休斯勋章
9、 1978年获物理界最有威望的大奖—阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦奖
1942年 1月8日生于剑桥
1950年 举家迁往圣奥尔本斯
1959年 入牛津大学
1962年 牛津毕业,去剑桥读研究生
1963年 被诊断患肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)
1965年 获剑桥博士学位,与珍妮.怀尔德(简·瓦尔德)结婚
1967年 长子罗伯特出生
1970年 女儿露西出生/开始使用轮椅
1973年 首部著作《空时的大型结构》出版
1974年 宣布发现黑洞辐射,成为皇家学会会员
1977年 被任命为剑桥大学引力物理学教授
1979年 次子蒂莫西出生/被任命为剑桥大学卢卡斯数学教授/《广义相对论评述:纪念爱因斯坦百年诞辰》出版
1981年 参加梵蒂冈宇宙学大会,宣布无边界构想/《超时空和超引力》出版/被授予大英帝国高级骑士
1985年 在瑞士病倒/实行气管造口手术从而失去语言能力,使用带造音器的计算机1988年 《时间简史:从大爆炸到黑洞》出版/获沃尔夫基金奖
1989年 被授予大英帝国荣誉爵士
1990年 与妻子离异
1991年 《时间简史》同名电影上映
1993年 《“黑洞与婴儿宇宙”及其他论文》出版
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA, (born 8 January 1942) is a British theoretical physicist. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes, and his popular works in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general. These include the runaway popular science bestseller A Brief History of Time, which stayed on the British Sunday Times bestseller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
斯蒂芬・威廉Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA, (被负担1942 1月8 日) 是英国的理论物理学家。Hawking 是数学Lucasian 教授在剑桥大学, 和Gonville 和Caius 学院, 剑桥的家伙。他为人所知为他的对宇宙论和量子重力的领域的贡献, 特别是就黑洞状况, 和他谈论他自己的理论和宇宙论总之的他普遍的工作。这些包括逃亡大众科学畅销书时间的简要的历史, 停留在英国的星期天时间畅销书名单为record-breaking 237 个星期。
Hawking grew up outside London in an intellectual family. His father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases; his mother was active in the Liberal Party. He was an awkward schoolboy, but knew from early on that he wanted to study science. He became increasingly skilled in mathematics and in 1958 he and some friends built a primitive computer that actually worked. In 1959 he won a scholarship to Oxford University, where his intellectual capabilities became more noticeable. In 1962 he got his degree with honors and went to Cambridge University to pursue a PhD in cosmology. There he became intrigued with black holes (first proposed by J. Robert Oppenheimer) and "space-time singularities," or events in which the laws of physics seem to break down. After receiving his PhD, he stayed at Cambridge, becoming known even in his 20s for his pioneering ideas and use of Einstein's formulas, as well as his questioning of older, established physicists.
In 1968 he joined the staff of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge and began to apply the laws of thermodynamics to black holes by means of very complicated mathematics. He published the very technical book, Large Scale Structure of Space-Time but soon afterwards made a startling discovery. It had always been thought that nothing could escape a black hole; Hawking suggested that under certain conditions, a black hole could emit subatomic particles. That is now know as Hawking Radiation. He continued working on the theory of the origin of the universe, and in doing so found ways to link relativity (gravity) with quantum mechanics (the inner workings of atoms). This contributed enormously to what physicists call Grand Unified Theory, a way of explaining, in one equation, all physical matter in the universe.
At the remarkably young age of 32, he was named a fellow of the Royal Society. He received the Albert Einstein Award, the most prestigious in theoretical physics. And in 1979, he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, the same post held by Sir Isaac Newton 300 years earlier. There he began to question the big bang theory, which by then most had accepted. Perhaps, he suggested, there was never a start and would be no end, but just change -- a constant transition of one "universe" giving way to another through glitches in space-time. All the while, he was digging into exploding black holes, string theory, and the birth of black holes in our own galaxy.
In 1988 Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes , explaining the evolution of his thinking about the cosmos for a general audience. It became a best-seller of long standing and established his reputation as an accessible genius. He wrote other popular articles and appeared in movies and television. He remains extremely busy, his work hardly slowed by Lou Gehrig's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that affects muscle control) for which he uses a wheelchair and speaks through a computer and voice synthesizer.
"My goal is simple. It is complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all."