what the heck? 搞毛啊?
is it like a holography or something? 这是不是啥全息图像什么鬼的?
is it a playstation game? 是不是PlayStation游戏来哒?
I am reaaaally reeeeaaally confused。 搞不懂啊。
I think it was like actual people, like cheering(?) for her. 我觉得她是真人吧,扮个角色而已。(?)
They go to see that? But she is not even real!! 居然这么一票人去看?可是那玩意儿明明是假的啊!!
She's like a Japanese cartoon version of Britney Spears. 她应该算是日本动漫版的小甜甜偶像派吧。
She's pretty. 小样还长得挺顺溜的。
That is nuts! 真抓狂!乱搞!
Get the lighter up. 荧光棒甩起来。
I almost can't believe that people are coming to this. 我就压根儿不信有人会来看!
This is ..... This destroys my mind! 我 轻 度 弱智了。
过场后的女孩子:it is like a concert type thingy. 就是那种演唱会之类的吧。
Put the anime character on the stage. 把动漫的角色摆上舞台了。
She's kinda ... hmm.. seemed like a Pokemon 跟宠物小精灵是一伙儿的。
She's a pretty weird song in... I think Japanese. 唱一首怪怪的歌那是。。。。大概是日语吧。
“Nge-ye-ye-yeah!” and the boys are like, 'Whoa!!' 八格牙路两句然后台下众宅男就high 爆了。
画外音:you seem kinda like the whole thing?看来你挺喜欢的嘛。
黑小伙儿:"Yeah, They were like into the clothes and things" 他们挺哈她的衣服,还有别的什么的嘛。
蓝衣双眼皮儿“Veragong....(unidentified; mimicking the lyrics)”“Support our LEADER!! dada!!” 支持偶像!!
“Oh my God! This is a Animation .... I am gonna faint!!” 额滴神啊!!这不是动漫那啥么……我晕啊!!
画外音::“do you like the song?”喜欢那首歌吗?
yeah! 当然啦
cute! “口耐”!!
I think it's very catching. 挺炫的。
i like the beam 'n rhythem 我觉得激光不错,节奏不错。
i like the tune but i dont know what she was saying . 小曲儿还不赖,不知道唱那什么玩意儿。
I dont understand it. I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE!some people think i am Japanese but I AM NOT JAPANESE!!! 我听不懂。不!我不会说日语!有人认为我是嘎子,我才不是!!!!
虚拟少女的演唱会,很多fans.... 然后孩子们在谈对这种现象,计算机,游戏什么的看法