是比对的意思。这段话的意思:在你比对的所有结果中,最高的不超过10%的相似度,结果A. mellifera gene 的表达序列标签应该是与你的片段序列同源
blast |blast|
1 a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion : they were thrown backward by the blast.
• an explosion or explosive firing, esp. of a bomb : a bomb blast | a shotgun blast.
• figurative a forceful attack or assault : he defeated his weakest opponent in such a blast that the fans left unimpressed.
2 a strong gust of wind or air : the icy blast hit them.
• a strong current of air used in smelting.
3 a single loud note of a horn, whistle, or other noisemaking device : a blast of the ship's siren.
4 informal a severe reprimand : I braced myself for the inevitable blast.
5 informal an enjoyable experience or lively party : it could turn out to be a real blast.
应该是这种冲击 不知到脉冲 是不是也是这么翻译的
blast hit 没查到
Blast Hits 的意思是Blast对Query Sequence有多少采集样。