What are Small Schools, Small Learning Communities, and Learning Communities of Practice?
Lippman, Peter
(American Institute of Architects, Committee on Architecture for Education, Washington, DC , Oct 2006)
Characterizes small schools, differentiates the notions about small schools from the concept of small learning communities (SLC), proposes the term "learning communities of practice (LCP)" as the larger autonomous places that can support the educational needs of 400 students. 3p.
Lippman, Peter 对小型学校进行界定,将其与小型学习社群(SLC)相区别,提出名词“小型实践学习社群(LCP)”,用以表述能够支持400名学生教育需求的有自治权利的场所。3页。
Leading the Conversion Process. Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Converting to Small Learning Communities.
Fouts, Jeffrey; Baker, Duane; Brown, Carol; and Riley, Shirley
(Prepared for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation by Fouts & Associates, LLC. , Sep 2006)
Since 2001, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded the development of small learning communities in America’s high schools with the ultimate goal of graduating students “college or work ready.” SLCs are often called houses, schools-within-a-school, or academies and have varying degrees of autonomy in the areas of budgets, hiring, and curriculum. This report reviews lessons learned from the process of converting large comprehensive high schools into small learning communities. It provides recommendations on leadership, implementation, and programs for schools considering this work. 22p.
自2001年,盖茨基金会就开始资助在美国高中内部开展的发展小型学习社群,该项目的终极目标是使得毕业生为以后的工作或高等教育做好准备。小型学习社群常被称为房子(house,具体翻译请斟酌),校中校,或学园(academies 具体翻译请斟酌),并且在预算、雇用及课程等方面有不同程度的自治权利。该报告回顾了在将大型综合型高中转换成小型学习社群过程中的经验教训,为考虑开展此项工作的学校提供了项目领导、项目实施,以及项目选择方面的建议。22页。
Is Bigger Better? A Comparison of Rural School Districts.
Yan, Wenfan
(Center for Rural Pennsylvania, a legislative agency of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Harrisburg, PA. , Sep 2006)
School district size is important to policymakers and educators who need to determine the most effective way to structure school organization.
For more than 40 years, a growing body of research has focused on the relationship between school size and school effectiveness (Monk & Plecki, 1999).
Early studies did not address the effect of school size on student performance but focused more on school expenditures (Brazer, 1959; Hirsch, 1959; Michelson, 1972).
Later studies switched the focus to the relationship between school size and student achievement (Summers & Wolfe, 1977; Walberg & Fowler, 1987; White & Tweeten, 1973).
This study addressed the limitations of previous literature by comparing different school district types in rural Pennsylvania to determine whether or not the structure of school districts has an impact on fiscal management, administrative capacity, and student achievement.
Overall, the research did not find any evidence to support the notion that bigger districts are better districts, in terms of cost, administration or academic achievement, in rural Pennsylvania. [Author's abstract] 16p.
Small Schools on a Larger Scale: The First Three Years of the Chicago High School Redesign Initiative.
Analyzes how small schools compare to the rest of Chicago public schools, taking into account individual- and school-level characteristics.
Survey data measuring the experiences of students and teachers in these schools and school district records were used to analyze a variety of educational outcomes.
It appeared that small schools are fostering more personal and supportive contexts for both teachers and students.
These differences may be connected to lower dropout rates and absences that we found in the small schools, but they do not appear to be spurring increased instructional reform activity, differing instructional practices, or improved student achievement test scores.
Instructional reform efforts, instructional practice, and academic test scores all appear the same at small schools as at other CPS schools serving comparable students,