
2024-12-28 03:50:03

主修专业课程: Major courses
人体素描、Life Drawing
设计素描、Design Sketch
装饰基础、Decoration Fundamentals
图形创意、Figure Creation
商业插画与卡通形象设计、Commercial Illustration & Cartoon Character Design
版式设计、Format Design
标志与文字设计、Logo & Character Design
广告创意与思维、Ideas & Thinking of Advertisement
展示设计、Display Design
包装设计、Package Design
书籍装帧、Book Binding & Layout
品牌与广告、 Branding & Advertising
品牌与包装、Branding & Packaging
网页设计、Web Design
企业形象设计、Corporate Image Design
设计摄影、Design Photography
艺术考察、Art Review

选修:Elective Courses
服装设计、Costume Design
营养与健康、Nutrition & Health
教育典籍心理研究、Psychological Research on Historical Education
数学史、Mathematics History
美容化妆品学、Beauty & Cosmetic Sutdies
合唱指挥、Chorus Command
中国民族音乐、Chinese Folk Music
外国音乐作品欣赏、Appreciation of Foreign Compositions
基础日语、Elementary Japanese
影视广告欣赏、Appreciation of Video-film Advertisements
影视艺术欣赏、Appreciation of Video-film Art
美术概论、 Introduction to Fine Arts
书法篆刻、Calligraphy and Seal-carving
动画赏析、Appreciation and Analysis of Flashes
建筑欣赏、Appreciation of Architecture
摄影基础、Photography Foundation

P.S.: 花了半个多小时,总算完成了,还比较满意。


Major Courses:
人体素描: Human Figure Drawing
设计素描: Design Drawing
装饰基础: Decoration Basics
图形创意: Creative Forms
商业插画与卡通形象设计: Commercial illustration and cartoon image design
版式设计: Template Design
印刷工艺: Printing
标志与文字设计 Logo and Font Design
广告创意与思维 Advertisement: Creativity and Ideas
展示设计: Exhibition Design
包装设计: Package Design
书籍装帧: Bookmaking
品牌与广告: Branding and Advertising
品牌与包装: Branding and Packaging
网页设计: Web Design
企业形象设计: Company Branding
设计摄影: Creative Photography
艺术考察: Art Inspection

选修: Electives
服装设计: Fashion Design
营养与健康: Nutrition and Health
教育典籍心理研究: Educational Psychology
数学史: History of Mathematics
美容化妆品学: Facial Beauty and Make Up
合唱指挥: Chorus conducting
中国民族音乐: Chinese Tribal Music
外国音乐作品欣赏: Foreign Music Appreciation
基础日语: Basic Japanese
影视广告欣赏: TV Commercial Appreciation
影视艺术欣赏: TV Art Appreciation
美术概论: Art Concepts
书法篆刻: Calligraphy
动画赏析: Anime Appreciation and Analysis
建筑欣赏: Architecture Appreciation
摄影基础: Basic Photography