自改革开放以来,北京市的国民收入获得了快速增长,以此同时,城乡收入差距也呈现出扩大之势。Since the adoptation of Open Economy in China, the rate of income grwoth increased rapidly in beijing province, whilst, wage inequality/gap between urban and rural rised.
城乡收入差距扩大在一定程度上推动了市场需求,促进产业结构调整,改善投资结构,扩大了社会就业,对江西经济的发展起到了推动的作用。To some extent, the increasing income gap between urban and rural areas satisfies the market needs, promotes the industrial structure adjustment, improves investment structure and expands the social opportunities of employment, the benefit of which impulsed the economical development of Jiangxi province.
however, the income gap results in demerit circular of the agricultural and rural economy, which dissatisfied rural citizen's basic demands, and delays and reists the development of rural market as a whole.
The consequence runs in the opposite direction of the asserts of 'harmonious society and well-to-do concept'
Therefore, the means to correct the current increasing pattern of income gap between urban and rural area is the critical political and economical issue that needs to be resolved.