第四届学习之星大赛网络翻译擂台赛初赛试题 跪求高手 急急用

2024-12-30 00:09:19

Express loyalty-win with the boss
Nowadays so a compete vigorous of age, seek personal benefits, carry out ego value is an ordained in nature matter.But, the regret is what many people wasn't aware of realization and loyalty of the character liberation, ego with respect-work isn't an opposition, but complement each other, lack a can't of.Many people with live dangerously of the attitude treat a work, they are multifarious to change employment, feel the own work is betraying labor force;They disregard respect-work spirit, taunt honest, treat it as owner's dish to shell and fool subordinate of means.
In the modern business enterprise, boss and employee are a rightness of unifying of antinomies bodies, looking from the surface, each other exists an opposition-owner to hope to reduce personnel's expenditure, but the employee hope to acquire more guerdon.But, on the higher level, both are a diapason to win totally again of-the owner need loyalty and capable employee, the business then can carry on;Employee's hasing to depend on the business terrace of company then can acquire material guerdon with contented spirit need.Therefore, for boss but speech, existence and development of company need employee of respect-work and honest;Say for the employee, big material guerdon and the sense of achievement of the spirit cans not gets away from the existence of company.
The owner not only thinks greatly of personal ability only, but also thinks greatly of personal quality while using person, but quality in the most decisive is a loyalty.Here in the world, and have no lack of a capable person, that kind of current ability and then loyalist are the ideal talented persons whom each business enterprise seeks for.People trust an ability to differ rather some but enough honest respect-work person, but don't wish heavy use one undecided, see loyalty is have no the person of thing, which afraid his ability is uncommon.If you are a boss, your aring affirmative will also do like this.
As long as you are real to express to the company enough loyalty, you can win the boss' trust.The boss would take pleasure in to invest on your body, giving you the opportunity for training, raising your technical ability, because he thinks you is worthy of he trusts with development of person.Unwritten to owner's loyalty, but the actual activity wanting to use to work hard come to body now.In addition to working well the affair in, we should also express to the prosperous and successful interest of owner's business, whether the owner is wanting to be like thing of treating oneself nearby and all similar shine on the equipments and the property of thinking ° to be good the boss.Moreover, we want to approve the operation mode of company, admiring a boss from the heartly then can, keep 1 kind and company to develop together of business heart.Even appear a rift, should also set up faithful conviction, beg to save a difference together, dissolve an antinomy.When boss and colleague appear a mistake, the open heart ground puts forward toward them.When the company faces calamity of time, help each other with owner.
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