Because of graduation thesis is used, hope to help adults translation accurate point!
Thanks a million!
【摘要】 公交站牌广告以其特点和优势成为户外广告投放的主要手段之一,根据它的特点及优势,从广告的构成要素(色彩、文字、图形、版式)和设计定位两方面,讨论如何设计出既有审美情趣又不乏商业价值的公交站牌广告。
【 abstract 】 bus stop advertising with its features and advantages of outdoor advertising becomes the main means one, according to its characteristics and advantages, from advertising elements (colour, text, graphics, format) and design positioning two aspects, discuss how to design a both aesthetic and modernness bus stop advertising business values.
And according to the current situation weak points and give a summary of bus stop design.
【关键词】 公交站牌广告 特点 优势 构成要素 主题 缺陷
【 keywords 】 bus stop advertising features advantages elements theme defects