1 D 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 D 8 D 9 B 10 C 11 C
36.⑴④(2分) ④地纬度较高,且距冷空气源地近(4分)
①国该自然带的空间分布东西跨度大,分布面积广;(2分) ③国该自然带的空间分布东西跨度小,分布面积小。(2分)主要原因:①国该自然带的分布区地形主要以平原和丘陵为主,便于夏季风深入,受夏季风的影响范围大。(2分)③国该自然带的分布区受大分水岭的阻挡,夏季风无法深入内陆,影响范围小。(2分)
⑶混合农业(2分) 优点:①农场成为一个良性的农业生态系统;②农民可有效安排农事活动; ③农业生产具有很大的灵活性和对市场的适应性。(三选二,每点2分,共4分)
37. ⑴光热充足(2分);昼夜温差大(2分);靠近河流,灌溉便利(2分);土壤疏松肥沃;地形平坦(2分)(任答三项,每点2分,共6分)
⑷“管”:建设新一代智能交通管理系统、加强交通秩序管理、进一步完善交通管理体制、落实责任; “建”:大力建设公共交通设施,推进中心城干道路网系统国家高速公路网、市级干道公路网、停车位等建设; “限”:合理控制小客车总量增长速度,缓解机动车总量增长过快的现状;继续实施和完善高峰时段区域交通限行措施;机动车拥有者合理承担使用成本,削减中心城交通流量等(每项必须回答出一点,答案合理即可,每点2分,三项均合理可给6分)
41. 【环境保护】⑴全球变暖(或海平面上升)(2分)⑵(答题思路:围绕低碳生活,合理即可给分)衣:自然着装,顺应天时随天气适当增减衣物;食:提倡素食;住:北方冬季保证门窗密封;适度使用空调,节能减排;行:提倡步行;骑自行车出行;选用公共交通方式出行。(每项必答一点,每点2分,四项四点共8分)
42. 【自然灾害与防治】(1)自然原因:①地质地貌 山高谷深,山体中断裂发育,山体破碎。(2分) ②气象原因 短时间内强降水。(2分)
(2)①植树造林 ②工程建设和村落选址布局应避开泥石流易发的沟谷地带 ③建立护坡、挡墙 ④岩体改造,疏导排水 ⑤移民搬迁。(答对任意两项即可得4分)
43. 【旅游地理】(1)东部由北向南从早到晚(2分) 热量条件由北向南逐渐增强(2分)
24.A 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.A 31.C 32.A 33.D
34.D 35.D
(2) 察举制(2分)。原因:通过太学求学、政府考核,取代了贵族世袭为官。(6分)
不同:梁: 强调宪法与民权相互保障;(2分)
12、D 13、C 14、B 15、D 16、A 17、A 18、B 19、C 20、C 21、C 22、D 23、B
21-25 ACBAD 26-30 CCADC 31-35 DBDAB
36-40 CBAAD 41-45 CCDBA 46-50 BBACD 51-55 DDABC
56-59 DCAC 60-63 CBCD 64-66 CBD 67-70 ABAC
71-75 GEDBF
第一句 and---or
第二句 helpfully---helpful
第三句 Take---Taking more去掉
第四句 relaxing---relaxed
第五句 in this way ∧ can/ will I do better
第六句 For---By ago---before/ever
第七句 did---do so---because
One Possible Version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’m writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to further my study in computer science in your university.
First, please allow me to take a brief introduction of myself. I’m Li Hua, a girl born in June, 1993. I’m graduating from Beijing Xinhua High School this coming June. I’m an all-student with a keen interest in computers and the Internet. Besides, I’m good at English. I know that the University of Columbia is ranked among the most famous universities in the USA, and that’s the very reason why I’m now applying to further my university study in your Computer Science Department.
I would appreciate it if you could take the trouble to provide me with some information and send me the necessary application materials. By the way, my email address is lihua93@sina.com.
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Text 1
M: Please tell me I haven't missed the deadline for tuition payment.
W: I'm afraid you're about a week late.
Text 2
M: Mum, do you know whether Uncle John will come to visit us next week?
W: No, he is quite busy these days. And he will arrive next month.
Text 3
M: I'll take these sweaters. How much do they cost?
W: They are 100 dollars each and a total of 400 dollars for those four. But today we are offering a 20% discount.
Text 4
W: The snow is so heavy. The bus to the school has to stop running.
M: Do you mean we have to walk to school?
W: I'm afraid so.
Text 5
M. Is there any way I could get you to lend me your notes from Thursday's lecture? I have no idea where mine are, but I think you were in the class, right?
W. Well, yeah, I did take notes. But actually they're now with another friend.
Text 6
M: Lily, why are you so unhappy?
W: Oh, Tom, I didn't pass the math exam. I have worked hard on it.
M. I'm sorry to hear that. Actually, we are in the same boat. I didn't pass the exam, either.
W: I think we should work harder at math and try to make progress; otherwise we will let Miss Lee down because she has tried her best to help us in her class.
M: I can't agree with you more.
Text 7
M: Who is Cindy's husband?
W: Cindy's husband is Ron.
M: How many children do Cindy and Ron have?
W. They have two children--one son, Charles, and one daughter, Cara--as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law.
M: Do they have any grandchildren?
W: Yes, they have three grandchildren--one girl and two boys.
M: Does their daughter get along well with her in-laws?
W: Yes, she gets along with them quite well
M: Do they have a large family?
W: Their family is very similar to Cindy and Ron's family.
Text 8
W: Billy, you don't look too well. Maybe you should take a day off school.
M: But Mom! Today we're playing football! I love football.
W: You've got a fever and playing football isn't a good idea for a boy with a fever. What's that on your arm?
M: I don't know. It was there when I woke up this morning.
W: It's a rash. I'd better take you to see the doctor. How did you get that bruise on your leg?
M: I bashed it against the chaff in my room.
W: Does it hurt?
M:A little, but not much.
W: Here. Put this wet towel on your face to keep your temperature down. I'll take you to the doctor's after breakfast.
M: If I'm better this afternoon, can I go to school?
W: If you are better, but I doubt it.
Text 9
W: I hear you went to Switzerland last summer. Did you enjoy yourself?
M: Yeah, that's quite a long journey.
W: How did you go there?
M: By plane.
W: I don't like flying. I flew to Cyprus last year. We flew over the Alps and didn't see anything except clouds.
M: Oh, I had a good flight. The weather was fine and it took only two and a half hours.
W: I think it's much more interesting to travel by car or train. You can see the country so much better.
M: Yes, that's true. But flying is better for long journeys. How far is it from London to Cyprus?
W: About 2,000 miles.
M: Isn't Cyprus rather hot in the summer?
W: It's hot on the coast. But I spent most of the time several thousand feet above sea level.
It’s quite cool up in the hills.
Test 10
W: All right, let me tell you about our Australian Bush Pass. The bush pass is a great way to travel around Australia. The package is only $ 800 including all buses and one flight. And if you're a student it has 5% off. The pass is good for a year, so you can take lots of time to see everything. You can start anywhere along the route, so it doesn't matter which city you fly from.
If you want to spend your three weeks' vacation visiting the most important places in Australia, here is a route. Let's say you start from Sydney. From Sydney, you take a bus and go southwest to Melbourne. From Melbourne you head northwest to Adelaide and then north to Alice Springs. Ayers Rock is nearby. From Alice Springs you fly northeast to Cairns. That's a good place to go diving. The final route is south to Sydney.