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2025-01-01 18:58:26

For persons can go to the hotel marketing department and various business outlets, fill out the membership application form, you can apply.
2. Rite card has stored value card, reward points, discounts and many other features as one of the consumer card.
3. Rite first charge card, not less than RMB 2,000 yuan, up recharge amount can not be less than RMB 500 yuan.
1. Rite card anonymous consumer card, the cardholder credit card spending in the hotel, the amount of consumption to offset the amount of stored value card.
2. Rite card is lost will likely be used by others, please report the loss to the hotel, new card.
(Our hotel for the report of loss that may exist before the act is not responsible for fraudulent use)
3. Go through the rite for the new card, card number, the hotel management fees to be charged another 50 yuan.
4. Rite store cards and other promotions can not be used.
5. Rite wedding cards can not be used to purchase alcohol and tobacco consumption.
6. Rite card is valid until 3 years effective from the date of purchase.
7. Rite cash cards sold are not refundable.
8. The hotel facilities outsourcing-service business center, bath center, shopping malls.
9. Hotel reservations within the legal framework used for this card right to modify the rules
Для лиц, можете пойти в отдел маркетинга и отелей различных отделений, заполнить форму заявления, Вы можете обратиться.
2. Обряд карты хранится значение карты, призовые баллы, скидки и много других возможностей, как одного из потребительских карт.
3. Обряд первой карты заряда, не менее 2000 юаней юаней, суммой пополнения не может быть меньше, чем RMB 500 юаней.
1. Обряд карты анонимные карты потребителя, карточка владельца кредитной расходов в отель, количество потребления, чтобы компенсировать объем хранимой стоимостью карт.
2. Обряд карта утеряна, вероятно, будет использоваться другими, пожалуйста, сообщите об этом и в отеле, новые карты.
(Наш отель для доклада потери, которые могут существовать, прежде чем действовать не несет ответственности за мошенническое использование)
3. Переход через обряд для новой карты, номер карты, платы управления гостиницей, которые будут взиматься еще 50 юаней.
4. Обряда хранить карты и другие акции не могут быть использованы.
5. Карт обряда свадьбы не могут быть использованы для покупки алкоголя и табака.
6. Обряд карта действительна до 3 лет в силу с даты покупки.
7. Обряд платежных карт продается не подлежит возмещению.
8. Услуги в отеле аутсорсинг-услуги бизнес-центра, ванна центр, торговые центры.
9. Гостиницы в правовых рамках для этой карты право изменять правила
Pour les personnes peuvent aller au département de marketing hôtel et créé des débouchés différents, veuillez remplir le formulaire d'adhésion, vous pouvez appliquer.
2. Rite carte a carte à valeur stockée, points de fidélité, les remises et de nombreuses autres fonctionnalités comme l'une des cartes de consommation.
3. Rite carte de la première charge, pas moins de RMB 2.000 yuans, en hausse de montant de la recharge ne peut être inférieur à 500 yuans RMB.
1. Rite carte de carte de consommateurs anonymes, les dépenses par carte de crédit titulaire de la carte dans l'hôtel, le montant de la consommation pour compenser le montant de la carte à valeur stockée.
2. Rite carte est perdue sera probablement utilisé par d'autres, s'il vous plaît signaler la perte à l'hôtel, nouvelle carte.
(Notre hôtel pour le rapport de perte qui peut exister avant l'acte n'est pas responsable de l'utilisation frauduleuse)
3. Passez par le rite de la nouvelle carte, numéro de carte, les frais de gestion de l'hôtel à la charge d'un autre 50 yuans.
4. Rite cartes de magasin et d'autres promotions ne peuvent pas être utilisés.
5. Rite cartes de mariage ne peut être utilisé pour acheter de l'alcool et la consommation de tabac.
6. Rite carte est valable jusqu'au 3 années à compter de la date d'achat.
7. Cartes de paiement Rite vendus ne sont pas remboursables.
8. Les installations de l'hôtel centre d'affaires sous-traitance-service, centre de bain, des centres commerciaux.
9. Réservations Hôtel dans le cadre juridique utilisé pour cette carte droit de modifier les règles
이 명, 호텔 마케팅 부서 및 다양한 비즈니스 콘센트에 갈 수있는 회원 가입 신청서를 작성, 당신은 적용할 수 있습니다.
2. 소비자 카드 중 하나로서 가치 카드, 보상 포인트, 할인 및 기타 여러 기능이 저장된 카드 라이트.
3. 충전 금액은 인민폐 5백위안 미만 수 없습니다 먼저 충전 카드를, 아니 원 2,000위안 미만, 라이트.
1. 익명 소비자 카드, 호텔에서 카드 소지자의 신용 카드 지출 카드 라이트, 소비의 양은 저장된 값을 카드의 금액을 상쇄합니다.
2., 가능성이 다른 사람들에 의해 사용되며 분실 카드를 라이트 호텔, 새로운 카드에 분실 신고를하시기 바랍니다.
(움직이기 전에 존재할 수있는 손실의 보고서에 대한 우리의 호텔은 사기 사용을위한 책임을지지 않습니다)
3. 새로운 카드, 카드 번호에 대한 의식을 통해 이동, 호텔 관리 수수료는 다른 50위안가 부과됩니다.
4. 그리고 상점 카드를 라이트 다른 행사를 사용할 수 없습니다.
5. 라이트 웨딩 카드는 알코올과 담배 소비를 구입하는 데 사용할 수 없습니다.
6. 라이트 카드 구입 일로부터까지 삼년 효과가 유효합니다.
판매 7. 라이트 현금 카드는 반환되지 않습니다.
8. 호텔 스타일의 서비스와 시설 아웃소싱 비즈니스 센터, 목욕 센터, 쇼핑몰입니다.
9.이 카드에 사용되는 법적 프레임 워크 내에서 호텔 예약 바로 규칙을 수정하는
. Für Personen, können Sie das Hotel Marketingabteilung und verschiedenen Geschäftsstellen gehen, füllen Sie das Anmeldeformular für eine Mitgliedschaft können Sie zutreffen.
2. Rite Karte Wertkarte, Bonuspunkte, Rabatte und viele andere Eigenschaften als eine der Verbraucher-Karte.
3. Rite erste Ladung Karte, nicht weniger als 2.000 Yuan RMB, bis aufladen Betrag nicht weniger als 500 Yuan RMB.
1. Rite Karte anonym Verbraucher-Karte, den Karteninhaber Kreditkarte Ausgaben im Hotel, um die Menge des Konsums kompensiert die Menge an Speicher-Wertkarte.
2. Rite Karte verloren werden wahrscheinlich von anderen verwendet werden, melden Sie den Verlust für das Hotel, eine neue Karte.
(Unser Hotel für den Bericht der Verlust, die vor der Handlung bestehen kann, ist nicht für betrügerische Verwendung verantwortlich)
3. Gehen Sie durch den Ritus für die neue Karte, Kartennummer, das Hotel Verwaltungsgebühren weitere 50 Yuan berechnet.
4. Rite Kundenkarten und anderen Aktionen können nicht verwendet werden.
5. Rite Hochzeit Karten können nicht verwendet werden, um Alkohol-und Tabakkonsum zu erwerben.
6. Rite Karte ist gültig bis 3 Jahre ab dem Kaufdatum.
7. Rite EC-Karten verkauft werden nicht erstattet.
8. Das Hotel bietet Outsourcing-Service-Business Center, Badezentrum, Einkaufszentren.
9. Hotel Reservierungen innerhalb des rechtlichen Rahmens für diese Karte benutzt Recht vor, die Regeln
Para las personas pueden ir al departamento de marketing de hoteles y diversos puntos de venta de negocios, llene el formulario de solicitud de adhesión, se puede aplicar.
2. Rito tarjeta tiene tarjeta de valor almacenado, puntos de recompensa, descuentos y muchas otras características como una de las tarjetas de consumo.
3. Rito tarjeta de crédito en primer lugar, no menos de 2.000 yuanes RMB, hasta la cantidad de recarga no puede ser inferior a 500 yuanes RMB.
1. Rito tarjeta de la tarjeta del consumidor anónimo, el titular de la tarjeta de crédito gastos con la tarjeta en el hotel, la cantidad de consumo para compensar la cantidad de tarjetas de valor almacenado.
2. Rito tarjeta se pierde probablemente será utilizada por otras personas, por favor informe la pérdida del hotel, la nueva tarjeta.
(Nuestro hotel en el informe de la pérdida que puedan existir antes de que el acto no es responsable del uso fraudulento)
3. Ir a través del rito de la nueva tarjeta, número de tarjeta, la comisión de gestión del hotel con cargo de yuanes 50.
4. Rito tarjetas de tiendas y otras promociones no pueden ser utilizados.
5. Tarjetas de boda Rito no puede ser utilizado para comprar alcohol y tabaco.
6. Rito tarjeta es válida hasta el 3 años a contar desde la fecha de compra.
7. Tarjetas de débito Rito vendidos no son reembolsables.
8. Las instalaciones del hotel centro de tercerización de servicios de negocios, centro de baño, los centros comerciales.
9. Las reservas hoteleras en el marco legal utilizado para esta tarjeta derecho de modificar las normas


People can go to our hotel. Deal with marketing, and branches, fill out the membership application, can deal with.

2. Ritual meaning card has stored value card, integral rewards, discount a variety of functions such as for the integration of the sector consumption card.

3. Ritual meaning first top-up card not less than RMB 2,000 yuan, the subsequent amount full not less than RMB 500 yuan.

1. Ritual meaning card as innominate sector consumption card, the person that hold card in this hotel brush calorie of consumption, consume amount would be deducted from inside card stored value.

2. Ritual meaning card is lost will likely be others use, please promptly to this hotel application report the loss of STH, fill do new card.

(I hotel for loss before the possible existence of falsely behavior disclaim all responsibility)

3. Fill do ceremony for the new card number, meaning card hotel management fee will be charged another 50 yuan.

4. Ritual meaning card is not and in-store other favourable activity used at the same time.

5. Ritual meaning card cannot be used in reception consumption and tobacco purchase.

6. Ritual meaning card will expire on the acquisition date within three years effective.

7. Ritual meaning CARDS are sold not refund cash.

8. The hotel outsourcing type service facilities for business center, bath center, shopping malls.

9. Hotel reserves the legal framework of this card rules for use of the right to change


People can go to our hotel. Deal with marketing, and branches, fill out the membership application, can deal with.

2. Ritual meaning card has stored value card, integral rewards, discount a variety of functions such as for the integration of the sector consumption card.

3. Ritual meaning first top-up card not less than RMB 2,000 yuan, the subsequent amount full not less than RMB 500 yuan.

1. Ritual meaning card as innominate sector consumption card, the person that hold card in this hotel brush calorie of consumption, consume amount would be deducted from inside card stored value.

2. Ritual meaning card is lost will likely be others use, please promptly to this hotel application report the loss of STH, fill do new card.

(I hotel for loss before the possible existence of falsely behavior disclaim all responsibility)

3. Fill do ceremony for the new card number, meaning card hotel management fee will be charged another 50 yuan.

4. Ritual meaning card is not and in-store other favourable activity used at the same time.

5. Ritual meaning card cannot be used in reception consumption and tobacco purchase.

6. Ritual meaning card will expire on the acquisition date within three years effective.

7. Ritual meaning CARDS are sold not refund cash.

8. The hotel outsourcing type service facilities for business center, bath center, shopping malls.

9. Hotel reserves the legal framework of this card rules for use of the right to change

