在ASA 5510的#模式下没有Telnet ;
Cisco pix and asa 不支持telnet到其他的设备;
You cannot Telnet to an ASA - from the outside interface unless the traffic is ipsec protested
I suggest you use SSH (secure Telnet) which is east to setup
to enable SSH you need to do the following..............
Allow SSH to PIX / ASA
First allow an IP address (Or network)
ciscoasa(config)#ssh outside
Then (Only do this once) Create an RSA key on the Firewall
ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa
INFO: The name for the keys will be:
Keypair generation process begin. Please wait...
The first time is connects it will give you a warning about
trusting the other end accept it.
The username is pix
The Password is the Firewalls telnet password
Note: The telnet password is set to cisco by default change it
using the
passwd command
ciscoasa(config)#passwd newpassword.