圣诞节搞笑小品英语 剧本 急急急 星期五之前要

2025-03-01 15:42:35

亚伯拉罕说: 神啊!我在这里。(姿态立既跪下,举手望天,以下连说啊门。)
使者说: 你带着你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子,你最所爱的以撒,往摩利亚山去,把他献为燔祭。
亚伯拉罕说: 啊门(亚伯拉罕又走出大门口,向着东方远望,向着众人)
亚伯拉罕白: 啊,天还没有亮,哈利路呀,耶和华神呼召我把以撒献给他,哈利路呀,耶和华是创造天地万物大能的神,耶和华叫人富足,叫人贫穷,叫人死,叫人复活,都在于耶和华手中,耶和华叫我儿子以撒死,也会叫我以撒复活,哈利路呀,遵命,遵命。(白后)又走进门内。
亚伯拉罕呼叫: 撒拉、撒拉、撒拉、快起来,带着你的儿子以撒出来,有事分咐。
幕后撒拉应声: 我主亚伯拉罕,婢女就来。(撒拉领着以撒的手出现。姿态到了台前,撒拉、以撒供手同声说):主啊婢女在这里有何吩咐。
以撒也说: 爸儿子在这里,有何吩咐,(亚伯拉罕姿态是欢欢喜喜。)
亚伯拉罕说: 撒拉、今天我和我儿子以撒一同往摩利亚山去拜拜耶和华我们的神。
撒拉说: 摩利亚山往来多少路程。
亚伯拉罕说: 往来路程需要六天。
撒拉说: 我主啊,以撒年纪轻轻,这么远的路程,他怎么好走呢?(亚伯拉罕有责备的姿态)
亚伯拉罕说: 啊,你真无知,耶和华是我们的神,是我们世世代代的磐石,是我们的依靠,我们敬拜神,应把他从小带到祭坛前学会敬拜耶和华真神,使他从小认识真神,我们应该趁着他还年小的时候学会存敬畏的心。
撒拉说: 我主啊,婢女遵命。
亚伯拉罕说: 撒拉你过去,预备好饼和水,作我们路上的食物。
撒拉说: 婢女遵命。(走进幕后)
亚伯拉罕叫: 仆人、仆人、
亚伯拉罕说: 今天,我和以撒往摩利亚山去拜耶和华我的神,我差你们二人往马栏里携一匹驴和燔祭的柴来,和我们一同去摩利亚山去拜耶和华我们的神。
二仆人同声说: 仆人遵命。立即下台。
亚伯拉罕说: 我儿以撒
以撒说: 爸我在这里
亚伯拉罕说: 你进去拿饼和水来。
以撒说: 知道了,(进后台里去)
二仆人说: 我主人啊,你所吩咐的驴和柴都备好了。
以撒说: 爸饼和水也备好了,以撒把一袋一袋分给仆人。
亚伯拉罕说: 好,马上出发。
亚伯拉罕说: 我儿以撒,我们上山去敬拜耶和华我们的神。
以撒说: 爸,儿子遵命。(说后,以撒背着柴二人一步一步向山上走去。二人在台上走了一圈。以撒问父亲)
以撒说: 爸,请看,火与柴都有了,爸,但燔祭的羊羔在哪里?
亚伯拉罕说: 哈、哈、我儿,耶和华自己预备好作燔祭的羊羔。(说了二人同行,到了一个地方,二人拿石头筑坛,把柴放在祭坛上摆好。)
亚伯拉罕说: 我儿以撒
以撒说: 爸,我在这里。
亚伯拉罕说: 我儿,愿神祝福你,你要顺服,伸出你的手来。
以撒说: 我遵命顺服,说了就伸出手来。亚伯拉罕就捆绑他的儿子以撒,就放在祭坛的柴上,亚伯拉罕伸手拿刀杀他的儿子,正好举起刀来。耶和华的使者从天上呼叫亚伯拉罕,说:亚伯拉罕,亚伯拉罕。
亚伯拉罕说: 主啊,我在这里,(姿势亚伯拉罕立即放下刀,跪下举目望天。)
使者说: 你不可在童子身上下,一点不可害他,现在我知道你是敬畏神了,因你没有将你的儿子,就是你独生的儿子留下不给我。
亚伯拉罕说: 啊们,(姿态亚伯拉罕站起,解开以撒的绳索,二人站着,亚伯拉罕举目观看,望见有一只公羊两角扣在稠密的小树中,)亚伯拉罕说:看哪,耶和华自己预备羊羔作燔祭。(立即走到幕后,取了那只公羊来,二人一同把公羊劈开摆在柴上献为燔祭,代替以撒)。
使者说: 亚伯拉罕,亚伯拉罕。(父子二人一同跪下举目望天。)
使者说: 耶和华说,你既行了这事,不留下你的儿子,就是你独生儿子,我便指着自己起誓说:论福,我必赐大福给你,论子孙,我必叫你的子孙多起来,如同天上的星,海边的沙,并且地上万国都必因你的后裔得福,因为你听从了我的话,父子二人一同说:啊们,(亚伯拉罕教导儿子怎存敬畏的心,耶和华是我们有真有活的神。二人起来欢欢喜喜唱着哈利路亚下山,一步一步回到仆人那里。仆人带着驴在西边出场来迎接主人,)


剧本一:人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus. A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I wish you Merry Christmas , I wish you Merry Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Iwish…A: (wakes up) what is that noise? (Pretends to open the window)B: What did you say? I can not hear you and sing at the same time?A: I want to sleep. I don’t want any singing.B: What did you say? You want more singing? I will find a friend.Narrator: B calls a friend C to join him.B and C: Jingle bellsjingle bellsjingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh……A: (shouts) I want you to stop singing! You are giving more!(go back to sleep)B: What did you say? You want more singing? We will find another friend.Narrator: So B and C call for another friend D.B and C and D: Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeerHad a very shiny noseAnd if you ever saw itYou would even say it glows.All of the other reindeerUsed to laugh and call him namesThey never let poor RudolphPlay in any reindeer games…..A: (shouts and shakes one hand) you must stop singing. I am tired. I can not take much more. (Sleeps)B: What did you say? You want much more singing? We will find many friends.Narrator: So B and C and D found more friends to join them.B and C and D and a group of friends: Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus,Right down Santa Claus laneVixen and Blitzen and all his reindeerPullin' on the reinsBells are ringin', children singin'All is merry and bright….A: (shouts and shakes two hands) Stop! Your singing is too loud!B: loud? Yes, We can sing loud.Narrator: So they sing very loud.All the children: O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree!How are thy leaves so verdant!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How are thy leaves so verdant!Not only in the summertime,But even in winter is thy prime.O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How are thy leaves so verdant!A: (shouts) Please! I want to sleep! I wish that youwould all go away!B: Go away? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?Narrator: so the children go away and they will sing in another place.All the children bow to the audience and leave thestage.A: (goes back to sleep)The end

剧本二:aside once upon a time, a beautiful princess named snow white. we referred to as her white. but! in the near future, the queen is dead, the king married a new queen, is the new queen of drowning fish, birds killed, more than indescribably beautiful! queen game, holding a lady-in-waiting behind 2 brand, brand, "beautiful invincible" after a woman so good! i am the world's most beautiful woman, you say, right? lady-in-waiting yes! earth know! do not believe it, you ask mirror on the wall! after mirror mirror on the wall! who is the world's most beautiful woman? mirror ... that ... before the most beautifulqueen you are wrong you, but more than a decade, and indeed some shenmeipilao now to the world's most beautiful man is - white! she alsoon the latest issue of the flower the son does the cover! after i say no wonder that fewer and fewer of the recent paparazzi! her she was her she was her! i kill her! (meditation, refers to the ring) waiter! killer (wearing a mirror on the wall, tooth


















仙女2:我赐予小公主无与伦比的智慧,就像我一样!(旁白:8+8=? 仙女2不假思索的回答:27!)




仙女6:我赐予小公主正直勇敢的心!克塞前来拜访!(或者代表月亮惩治罪恶,也可以~关键是动作!)(旁白:啊,蟑螂啊~ 仙女6:救命啊~瞬间跑没影了~)






仙女12:我要赐给小公主我们“13点”组合的思维逻辑!哦活活~(众人企求状: ……ya ma da……)



不明人物1登场:为了防止世界被破~~坏 (抖几声~)

不明人物2:为了维护世界的和~~平 (继续抖~)































Voice: In the long, long time ago, there was a kingdom called XX, which is home to the King family, there are a number of servants, but the king and queen had no children ... ...
Queen-like prayer: Oh God, please give me a skin as white as snow, lips as red as the blood of children bar ~ PS: I want a boy!
Voice: God heard the Queen's prayer, then, sent a crow Diao had a baby to the Queen.
Crows play: Fool, fool, a fool ... ... (bit-part player off the market, leaving a baby)
Queen surprise shouted: Ana A., come take a look, this is a gift God has given us ah ~
King of play: Oh, my God, is indeed a beautiful child, my dear, I think we told him to XX Bar ~
Queen Against: No, I think that is called XX to listen better.
King of Hand: Well ~ the old rules!
Queen and King of finger-guessing game: stone, scissors, cloth!
Queen of watching kids jump for joy: Oh, also ~ Dear XX, after your name called XX oh ~ (XX's I sweat ah ~)
King announced: To celebrate the old and I come son, I want the world entertained subjects, to ah, put a three days and three nights Liushui Xi!
A Financial Executive cried on: Your Majesty, we have to pay!
King of a wave, the Financial Executive's dragged off by soldiers.
King of meditation-like: it seems light heavyweight figure like please some of the ... ...
Voice Over: So, the king and queen were invited to be called "13:00" of the fairy combination to serve the Princess baptism.
Fairy 1: I have given little princess and, like me unparalleled beauty! (Voice-over: vomiting ~)
Fairy 2: I have given little princess unparalleled wisdom, just like me! (Voice-over: 8 +8 =? Fairy 2 unthinking answer: 27!)
Fairy 3: I, I bestowed little princess, none, none, and mouth, eloquence ... ... (narration directly onto plaster paste)
Fairy 4: I have given little princess, like me, gentle temperament, oh alive ~ (three-laughs ~)
Fairy 5: I have given little princess good heart! (Insidious take drafter, I have my nails nails nail nails I ~)
Fairy 6: I have given little princess upright Braveheart! P. Doxey to come visit! (Or on behalf of the moon punishment of sin, can also be ~ The key is action!) (Voice-over: ah, cockroaches ah ~ Fairy 6: The life-saving ah ~ instant run did not affect the ~)
Fairy 7: I have never given a small deformation of the Princess's body! (Elephant photos of this walk ~)
Fairy 8: I would like to gift a wonderful little princess's voice! (Background voices sounded sawing legs ~)
Fairy 9: I have given little princess will never Hua Buwan money! (The king nodded in: or whether this practical point of ~)
Fairy 10: I will bless the little princess loved by the people forever!
Fairy 11: I will be given a happy little princess!
Fairy 12: I want to give our little princess "13 points" combination of logic! Oh, alive ~ (everyone begging like: ... ... ya ma da ... ...)
Fairy 13: I would like to gift Little Princess ... ...
Voice: are in the final to be a fairy princess gift of a small blessing, when all of a sudden lightning, the world has mutation (abnormal tone, heavy ~)
Unknown persons a debut: In order to prevent the world is broken ~ ~ bad (shaking several more ~)
Unknown figure 2: In order to safeguard the world and ~ ~ ping (continued shaking ~)
1: The words of love and the true evil
2: The odious villains in another nasty!
One pointed to his: x Witch
2 Similarly, pointing to myself: myrmidon children ... ...
1 & 2 hug together: we are shuttling in the xyz combination of x! !
Do look like a stretched out arm: a black hole, black waiting for us tomorrow!
Crows play a small role: that way! Fool ~ fool ~
Voice panic: big bad, evil witch appeared!
Witch (a finger Tianyi finger, and worked extremely conceited like): such a big surprise, did not invite me to a party in this universe, first jade tree, handsome, suave romantic of the witch? !
King: That is because you gently move, so ... ...
Witch Hand wave: excuse useless! As we all send a small princess gift, then I also came to send the same bar ~ (Dangdang Dangdang ~ attendant knocked tambourine ing ~) Little Princess is indeed a carefree life, but the 16-year-old birthday, she will be a banana to噎死, Guwahati Ha ha ha ~ ~ ~噎死Bar ~ ~ ~
Voice Over: stop-stop, not a spinning wheel to the Zhasi should be do?
Witch: Do you have a spinning wheel at home do?
Voice Over: Wood there!
Witch: What are the age, and change-point pattern bar ~
Voice: But ... ...
Witch (threats): I say yes噎死is噎死, you again bullshit, I bite you oh ~
Voice Kudachoushen like: As a result, the poor Princess was thus hateful witch cursed!
Witch cheerful: You are Feng ER I was sand, Chanchanmianmian around the horizon ... ... (exit ~)
King and Queen worried about: how do ah? My poor child was surprised to be cursed ... ...
Fairy 13: Please do not worry, I have not yet sent it the blessing?
King: Then why do you not send it?
Fairy 13 timid: because I am busy here hotline ~
Queen: Please fairy quickly lift the witch's curse Bar ~
Fairy 13: Okay ~ I have given the blessing is this: Little Princess will be 16-year-old birthday was a banana choke, but not dead, but sleeping, until one really loves her prince appeared kiss her, At that time little princess will wake up and live happy forever.
King: Why do not suddenly lift the witch's curse do?
Fairy 13 hands handshake: Because this is more romantic ah ~
Everyone stepped up a while mad: hit you have a tendency to abuse ... ...
Voice: violence scenes please ignore the automatic, time-off fast, blink of an eye, Princess Margaret was 16 years old, and she is really beautiful and kind-hearted, family Shizuma good example of Mother ah ~
Princess jumping play: I am a girl, beautiful girls ~
Pre-emptive half, the latter accounts say ~ looking for someone to go


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Cathy 秦
Susan 桂
Angel and Servant 孔
Evil and Clerk 周
Aside 傅



This story is about two good friends Cathy and Susan. Cathy is a very thin girl; on the other hand, Susan is a very heavy girl. Therefore Cathy and Susan want to change themselves.

Scene I
(Cathy and Susan encounter each other on a street.)
Cathy: Hello, Susan. How are you?
Susan: I’m not doing well.
Cathy: Why not?
Susan: I’m too fat. I want to lose some weights.
Cathy: Really? But I want to become fat.
Susan: Are you crazy? Being fat is a terrible thing. Look at me. My abdomen:['?bd?men]腹部 looks like a swimming belt. It is so ugly.
(Cathy touches Susan’s abdomen:['?bd?men].)
Cathy: But it is tender 柔软的and makes me feel content.
Susan: You’re so kind. Your words make me happy.
Cathy: I’m serious, no kidding.
Susan: God! (Touches her own forehead and sigh)
Why are you not me and I am not you?
(Susan seems to intend doing something.)
Susan: We don’t like our figures and want to change ourselves, we can work hard together.
Cathy: It sounds good. I can help you and you can help me. That’s wonderful. (Saying loudly)
Susan: We begin planning right away.
Cathy: Uh! Let’s go.

Scene II
(Firstly Cathy brings Susan to a famous store named Trust me.)
Servant: Welcome! Do you want to take part in our class?
Cathy: Yes! We will.
Servant: Ok!
Susan: Why do you take me here?
Cathy: I see that “Trust me, you can make it” commercial on TV. It looks great. So I want to trust it and help you become thinner.
Susan: Oh…! Why do you also particular in?
Cathy: Because we are good friends, we should do it together. (Ha! Ha!)

(After several days)
Susan: Why? It’s no use to me, but you become much thinner. (Crying)
Cathy: I don’t want it, too. (Crying)

(The two girls are very angry to look the servant.)
Servant: It’s not my fault. (She escapes from the store.)

Scene III
(Later, Susan takes Cathy to McDonalds.)
Cathy: McDonalds?
Susan: Fast food has high calories. It is the best food to make you fat.
Clerk: May I help you?
Susan: I want to order four hamburgers, ten drumsticks鸡腿, five french fries and two cokes.
Clerk: What??
Cathy: Sorry, give us a minute. (Talks to the waiter)
(Cathy pulls Susan’s arm and moves to the side.)
Cathy: I can’t eat all of them.
Susan: The food is not just for you.
Cathy: Don’t you want to be thin?
Susan: Yes.
Cathy: You can’t eat them, because they will make you fat.
Susan: But I can’t oppose the attraction.
(Cathy gives Susan a look.)
Susan: Let me think.
(Suddenly, an angel and an evil appear.)
Evil: You can eat it. Anyway, you have time to lose weight.
Angel: If you eat them now, you would do the same thing next time. You will not lose any weight.
Evil: Listen to me. I’m right.
Angel: No, he’s wrong.

(Evil begins to fight against the angel.)
Susan: Enough! Go away! (Yells to the evil and the angel)
Cathy: Are you OK?
Susan: Uh! I decide to eat today.
Cathy: OK!
Susan: I want to order the same food that I ordered before.
Clerk: OK! Please wait a minute.
(They sit down and begin to eat.)
Cathy: Um…It’s so greasy油腻的. Do I have to eat this?
Susan: Yes, you must eat it. I can help you. (Susan takes food to stuff装;填Cathy’s mouth.) Poor girl!!!

Scene Four
(Angel and Evil appear again.)
Angel: Are you sure it’s good for her?
Evil: If you don’t believe me, you could see the result later.
Angel: I hope you are right.

(Several weeks later, they walk along the street.)
Susan: I’m so hungry. I want to eat.
Cathy: I’m so full. I want to vomit呕吐.
(They hug each other and cry loudly.)
Cathy: I don’t want to be fat.
Susan: I don’t want to be thin. (They say it at the same time.)

(Angel takes the evil that is rope appears.)
Angel: You use the wrong way to achieve your purposes. You need to ask a professional nutritionist.
Cathy and Susan: So…! (They look at each other with some special meaning, and then catch the angel’s leg.)
Cathy and Susan: You must know some shortcut to help us.
Cathy and Susan: We won’t let you go until you help us.
Angel: Oh, god!!
(Cathy and Susan chase the angel. The evil stays there.)
Evil: Oh!No!What has happened? (Shrug)
Cathy and Susan:Just be ourselves!

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