* 250 g Pork spareribs, chopped into about 5cm segments
* 250克 小排骨
* 4-5 slices Ginger
* 1 stalk Spring onion, chopped into small segment
* 4-6 tbsp Black rice vinegar
* 4-6大勺 镇江陈醋
* 3 tbsp Sugar
* 3大勺 砂糖
* 3 tbsp Light soyasauce
* Some sesame(optional)
* 适量芝麻粒(可选)
1. Rinse the pork spareribs and cut into 5cm pieces. Bring a pot of water to boil and poachthe pork spareribs. Drain and set aside.
1. 排骨洗净后,切成5厘米左右小段。锅内放入水烧开,倒入斩切好的排骨氽一遍,取出排骨备用。
2. Preheat a wokor large frying pan with some oil. Add in sugar and stir-fry until it has melted and browned. Add in spring onions and ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Return the parboiled spareribs to the wok and fast-fry for 3-5 minutes. Pour in water, vinegar and light soya sauce. Water has to cover the pork.
2. 烧热油锅至7成热,放入砂糖炒化加入葱节姜片,排骨回锅爆炒3-5分钟。加水,陈醋和生抽。水要淹没过排骨。
3. Simmeruntil the gravy has reduced to half. Turn the heat down and simmer until the gravy has thickened. Dish off. Sprinklesome sesame seeds if desired.
3. 大火烧至汤汁半干时,改小火收汁即可盛盘。喜欢的话可以洒些芝麻粒。1小时后食用最佳,若热食也是不错的选择。
配料:猪排骨500克、酱油、红糖(或 白糖)、红醋、葱、姜、植物油等 准备工作:小排骨一斤,剁成三四公分见方的小块儿,洗净后下滚水氽去血沫
制作: 油锅中火烧旺后,用竹筷夹着腌制过的小排骨在面糊里滚一下包上面糊后,迅速放到热油中炸成金黄,用漏勺捞起沥干油.锅洗净后再加入少量油,投入蒜片两瓣,姜片两瓣稍微煸一下,加入小半碗酱油和醋调和汁(酱油和醋的比例大约2:1),并加入白砂糖一小勺,烧均匀后加入炸好的小排骨收汁(收汁时可以加入少量生粉勾芡)即可,装盘时撒葱花。
Ribs 1 catty, ginger, garlic, onion, salt, sugar, vinegar, cooking
Step 1: hot pot, after some more, oil, because to fry a Fried pork spareribs. Seven, 80% hot oil to add ginger, then add chopped ribs. From time to time flipping ribs, lest uneven heating.
2, the ribs are darker brown, remove ribs. Pick out. The ginger, Keep small amounts of oil pan, garlic, salt, sugar, cooking, stir fry put together a few continued speculation into ribs.
3, probably fry two minutes, add vinegar, Fried chicken, add pure, then fry.
4 and the pot, heat in the dish and a layer on time.