3.宋代 苏东坡 语文书第九课
4.一毛不拔 二龙戏珠 三心二意 四面八方 五花八门 六六大顺 七上八下 八仙过海 一言九鼎 十全十美 千方百计 千军万马 成千上万
5、 狼心狗肺 虎头蛇尾 猪头猪脑
6、 Jack is a newspaper boy.At seven o'clock he goes to the sell for newspapers and magazines.Then he sells tell to 40 families.His pay is a newspaper thirty pounds every week for one hour's walk each morning
7、(一 )二三四五,六七八九( 十)。横批:(东 )( 西)南北。
8、1.泵(水落石出) 2.优质牙刷(一毛不拔) 3.故乡之行( 旧地重游) 4.乱扣帽子(张冠李戴)
What has roots as nobody sees.
It's taller than trees,
Up,up it goes.
And yet never grows?
It's cloud.