篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的,19世纪下半叶,美国各地的基督教青年年发展很快,参加活动的青年人很多,但到了1890年的冬天,参加青年活动的人明显减少了。为此,青年会的领导们非常忧虑。经过分析,他们认为是所缺少新颖的、适合冬季在室内进行的运动项目。同时认为,更使新的竞技项目达到预期效果,为人们所接受还必须做到以下几点:(一)新的竞技运动必须是“文明”的,严禁粗野的行为,以消除当时人们因体育运动粗野行为而产生的恐惧心理。(二)能弥补其它项目因季节、气候等自然条件的局限,不受这些因素影响,能在晚上和室内进行。(三)能使不同年龄、性别的人参加,而且特别吸引年轻人。根据以上观点,波士顿青年会在马萨诸塞州斯普林莫尔德市训练学校的体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯博士受小孩向装桃子的竹筐里扔桃子游戏的启发,并借鉴其他球类项目的特点、难点,于1891年12月25日设计并发明了篮球。刚开始它被称做“篮球游戏”。做游戏时,奈史密 斯博士两个竹筐分别悬挂在健身旁两侧的栏杆上筐距地面10英尺,用足球做为比赛用球。将球扔进对方筐里得过1分,以投中球数的多少来决定比赛的胜负。这便是篮球运动的起源过程。
The Birth Of Basketball
Formal record that, 16 centuries Aztecs predecessor resembling , being basketball in Mex ball. Think that solid rubber ball throws into bundle of player enclosing inside , beating team in sports ground one side higher place stone gaining clothes of the whole audience audience qualifiedly; But, the team leader who conveys team wants to be chopped off the head then. Basketball is Canadian Naisi at the modern times Miss trains school invention's on 1891 in USA Massachusetts spring field Young Men's Christian Association. At that time he wanted to design one kind of the activities that specially appointed occasion carries out such as both can keep the game technology and can in gym. Miss's ball starting this ball that Naisi is called but himself just regards it being righter calling basketball. The basket hangs on the wall because of that this moves is to use peach branch to encrypt, of throwing ball into basket middle ", "basketball" more image some. The basket bottom is enclosed but because of the ball basket hangs in the place of greater height being 3 meters away from a field, every throws reason why that ball is taken out in scoring one goal , being going to be climbed the ladder that the end sets up by one people from basket basket. At that time cover board using wire meshes, ball uses football to replace then. Have arrived at the basket basket switches over to become the hollow circle just now in 1906, use metal basket to replace the branch basket and. The number beginning participating in basketball game is not fixed , is every 7 people of team or 9 people generally, the sometimes is as many as 50 people. Space size is fixed neither , is sets up a boundary line neither , can use personal influence arbitrarily. 1891, Sipulinfeier is morals in USA Massachusetts international youth training school, have a physical-training teacher being called James · Smith, have accepted that the department of physical education director gives to one item mission , have asked him to invent one kind of the team motion mission being able to provoke interest in interior competition and being able to in winter. Thereupon, Smith has fused football played by lacrosse and British played for by Indian, have designed that one kind is not bad interior motion being in progress. Have once , Smith to have nailed one empty space basket frame respectively in school on both side of the gymnasium, dodge the player who divides into two group, in the basket frame trying to throw ball into the other party, to jump into a entering the number decision success or failure. Initial every team has 7 Young Pioneer , competition time is 3 section , every saves 20 minutes. Need to stop when competition, once ball throws into the basket frame , competition, the player climbs a ladder from special collecting , ball is taken out li from basket frame. Have arrived at 1893 , have begun to use a basket and have attached after the netlike sack , player above throw middle, that the referee is pulled right away moves a rope adhering to string bag , makes ball fall down. Have set up a backboard for the drive preventing the bleachers audience from affecting a player afterwards. The basket net approximately, having arrived at 1913 , there having been no the bottom begins to be put into use just now. In 1936, basketball is moved a project by formal column for Olympics.
随着篮球规则的统一,篮球运动本身也取得了迅速发展。自 1936年第11届奥运会上男子篮球被列为正式比赛项目,篮球运动登上国际竞技舞台以来,篮球运动发展更加迅速了。
篮球运动 起源与发展
篮球运动于1891年起源于美国,它是由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译麻省春田)市基督教青年会(YMCA)训练学校的体育教师詹姆士•奈史密斯博士(Dr.James Naismith)发明。 起初,奈史密斯将两只盛梨用的篮子,分别钉在学校体育馆二楼走廊两边的护栏上,梨篮上沿距离地面3.05米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。