LZ啊,给建议当然是可以,不过数据这些还是要自己去搜索的嘛。这才是presentation的乐趣啊~~~ 谷歌还是美国雅虎这些搜索引擎都很好的啊。给你提纲,自己把肉补上~~
1) define, what is junk food? what kind of food is considered to be junk food?
2)what's the effect of consuming junk food on children?
3) what's the consequences of child obesity on children's health?
4) what's the consequences of child obesity on our society?
labour productivity decrease? shorter life-span? increase in medical cost and therefore a burden for taxpayers?
5) impact on culture?
leads to consumerism and lack of health consciousness?
6)why marketing should be banned then?
children do not know rights and wrong, therefore are very proned to the influence of advertisements by various media. TV? movie? newspaper? drama show?
when parents can't guide them on time, or simply ignorant on the effects of ads on children, overcomsumption of junk food without any knowledge on health would occur.
therefore...should ban the marketing.