可以指教申请UNDERGRADUATE的PERSONAL STATEMENT怎么写吗?最好有实例,谢谢~~ P.S.我想读媒体方面的专业

2025-01-08 07:36:42


1, 整篇文章不能超过4000个字(字母),ucas上会有限制。
2, 理论上至少2/3的内容,最佳是3/4的内容是关于你和你的course。你不是想学媒体吗,写一下为什么喜欢媒体,写一下你对媒体这方面还有什么其他的研究,你如果有在媒体这方面的任何工作经验(就算没有,自己也最好瞎编一些,大学很喜欢)也详细地写上去。你看过什么关于媒体的的书吗?如果看过的话最好把书名和作者写上并说明这本书给了你什么启示。
3, 剩下的篇幅可以写你个人其它的爱好,但是注意要和你写学科的那部分分开,不要混在一起写。比如你在学校做什么运动,拿过什么奖没有之类的都可以写。
4, 要注意,如果要撒谎的话别玩大了,你写的东西在大学的面试上(特别是OXBRIDGE的面试)都会变成面试官问你的问题。如果你自己不能把话说全,那你就挂了。
5, 写完之后拿给自己的tutor,或者director of study看看,如果他们有什么意见的话你选择性采纳。不要完全听老师的。要有自己的一部分。你们学这种art的就应该把ps写得有创意。但是你的tutor往往不赞成你那么做。
6, 你不是想要例子吗,好。我可以给你看一个例子。这是我的ps。但是很可惜,我学的是ENGINEERING。

Due to the influence of my father, who is a civil engineer, I had been passionate about engineering since my childhood. My first steps in this direction began with winning the individual silver medal in "The Provincial Aeromodelling Tournament", 1997. The attraction of engineering has driven me to demand a higher level in this field since then, although I was aware that there is no 'best' in engineering, but simply 'better'.

After I entered the junior high school in China, I worked hard because of my ambitious nature, and thus was always in the top few percent in my year group. I demonstrated my academic capabilities, especially for mathematics and physics by winning provincial mathematics/physics challenges. I started the school robotics team. Dealing with robotics problems, I gained many "pre-engineering" work experiences. As the team captain, our team took part in many robotics competitions: from the city tournament to the "National Young Roboticist Competition", top 3 awards were always obtained by us.

The education in China offered me a very strong and firm academic foundation. However, to be a professional engineer the practical applications associated with the courses are also vital. This led me to leave China and seek a new challenge in England. Having been taught in two entirely different educational systems and languages, I have become more mature. During the first year of studying GCE A-level, I gained a wider range of theoretical knowledge, particularly in physics and mathematics. And most importantly, my practical skills have been significantly improved. I enjoy being challenged so at the end of my first year in England I changed to a new school where I could be in a more competitive atmosphere. Now in my new school I am working harder to maintain the high position in my year group. I also started the robotics club where my experiences about robotics and engineering could be applied again. I always think in an individual way and enjoy using my imagination.

My enthusiasm about engineering is not only represented in the academic field, I am also keen on engineering programming languages. I am a qualified programmer of "RoboLab" for robots; I also learnt "QBasic", "C" in my spare time. I enjoy designing Flash(TM) movies to fuel my imagination; with the aid of its programming script "ActionScripts" and some other softwares, it also enables me to design complex engineering models.

As the robotics team captain, I enjoy working as part of a team, sharing my opinions with my team mates and being in charge of a group of people. As a senior prefect at The Royal Wolverhampton School, I was given many responsibilities and coped with problems for the school. As a registered volunteer in "Cedar Projects" (a branch of "Millennium Volunteers"), I enjoy the experiences of working in a local hospice cafe, it has offered me a great opportunity to know the culture and the custom in England; I have already finished 74 hours volunteer work and currently I am still working for my 100 hours award. For recreation I enjoy playing badminton and football, I played second XI football at The Royal Wolverhampton School.