词数100左右 (这是除去开头和结尾的)
Today's society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But themost serious should be the carbon dioxide problem.
Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. We must take the necessary measures to reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide.
For example: Save electricity; Driving less; Save paper and so on, we can from our own, to promote low-carbon living.
If you are called li hua, you of American netizens Tom to your school and daily life is very interested in learning, and ask for information, please write to the information provided in the list below reply by letter.
Position: 1, the school from the city center, a square school 500 meters
2, the school area and scale, covers an area of 10,000 square meters, teacher, student 4,500 350 people
3, school facilities: a modern teaching equipment, computer rooms, laboratory, library, etc
4 classes: every class, usually 60-70 people
5 and 6 in the morning wake up schedules: 9:30 PM at home, and more than 10 hours
6, learning contents: Chinese, maths, English and other subjects
7 for learning, living feelings: please freely
A new Term (新学期)
The new term is near. I must prepear my lessons for it. In the new term, I must study harder and do everything better. I want to be a top student (拔尖生) in my class.
My Grandpa and Grandma
My grandpa and grandma are retired (退休). My grandpa likes to go for a walk (散步) in the morning. My grandma likes to dance with her old friends outside in the morning. They cook three meals (做饭) for us at home, because we are all busy.
我的语文老师 山东省 山东省淄博市张店区湖田第一小学五年级二班 冯晓畅 新学期开始了,我们又换了一位新老师,大约二十几岁,一副非常和蔼的样子,大家都挺高兴的。 第一节课,老师面带笑容的走进教室,先自我介绍了一番,然后提笔在黑板上工工整整的写上了十二个字:堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事。这是他对所教的每一级学生第一课都要说的话。此时,我才感受到这位老师有些特别。接下来发生的事情更让人不可思议,老师开始给我们布置作业,自己给自己布置作业;左手字;读书笔记;记新闻;给家长洗脚、倒水、说句祝福的话语。而且还有专人负责检查。这是些什么作业?大家都议论纷纷,丈二的和尚摸不着头脑。而老师则笑咪咪的望着我们。 接下来的几天,我们着实感受到了这位年轻老师的魅力所在,原来他也喜欢踢足球和打乒乓球,喜欢玩电脑游戏,他也像孩子一样,在比赛当中为了一个有争议的球和我们斤斤计较。我们很快成了无话不谈的朋友。 我觉得老师什么都好,就是上课的时候有些懒。他不像以前老师那样给我们分析讲解课文,而是总让我们查字典、讨论、提问题……他则转过来转过去,问问这个,问问那个。甚至谁把他难倒,他总是会大肆表扬。呵呵,那次我就让他当着全班同学的面表扬了一番,让我高兴了好几天呢! 我们喜欢这位年轻的语文老师。 指导教师:张方伟