
2025-01-31 10:06:34

摘要:项目经理作为项目部安全生产第一责任人,如何做好安全生产管理工作,是项目经理日常工作的重中之重,必须有清晰的思路和严格框架组织。制定相关制度,用制度来标准化、规范化管理,扎扎实实落实相关制度,安全工作长抓不懈,把安全隐患消灭在萌芽之中,确保项目工程安全生产。关键词:项目管理, 安全生产, 制度Abstract: the project manager for production safety department the first person, how well the safety production management, project manager is the top priority of the daily work, must have a clear idea of organization and strict framework. Establish relevant system, with the system to standardization management, solid carry out the relevant system, safe work grasping tireless, the security hidden danger nipped in the bud, to ensure that project engineering safety production.Key words: the project management, safety in production, system中图分类号:P624.8文献标识码:A 文章编号:“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理。(剩余0字)