告别信 英语作文50词左右

告别信 英语作文50词左右
2025-01-06 21:37:49

现在,满怀憧憬的未来,似乎想把自己心中的一点一滴都倾诉出来,觉得没有了倾诉,文字语言就没有了意义。因为那时候固执地相信,黑暗中的火光,即便微弱,也是亮的,温暖的。  一年前的11月,你突然跑到我家塞了个袋子给我,里面是一只彩带编的鸟儿,跟一封信,你说生日快乐。我跟你说过我从来不过生日,可我忘了跟你说,我也从来没有收到过日生礼物。你是第一个。那份礼物跟我们写过的信我一直小心翼翼地珍藏着,因为我怕有一天我会忘记这个给过我那么多爱跟感动的人。  那天看到你,心里的那份激动涌上心头。我不知有多少话想告诉你,不知有多少秘密想让你倾听,可我又不知从何说起,因为想说的太多。我看着你,你看着我,都笑了,也都明白了,我们之间不需要用语言沟通,两三秒的对视就能让我们感到对方的存在。  我多想让时光倒流,让我们重回以前的温馨和快乐,但我知道这是不可能的。  你走前在楼下我们的告别,我至今仍记忆犹新。虽然这番话让我伤痛,可它让我难忘,它包含着你对我的关心和不舍。尤其是你那回眸一笑,让我积蓄了已久的泪水涌了出来。我不想让你看到我为你落泪,我想让你走的安心,我头也不回的上楼了,你真的走了……  又是一学期过了一半,可我不时的还会想起你,想起你的一颦一笑,想起我们在一起的日子。  我衷心祝福你,希望你在新的学校里,新的环境下,能有新的知己,新的进步。我更希望你不要忘记我,只要你记得我们曾在一起努力过、奋斗过、开心过我就已心满意足……


一般现在时:How can we learn English well We are learning English now. But how can we learn English well A student can know a lot about English, but maybe he can’t speak English. If you want to drive a car, you must learn to drive a car and practice it by yourself. And if you want to be a good basketball player, you must play basketball. So you see. You can learn English only by using it. You must listen to your teacher carefully in class. You must speak English to your teacher and your classmates as often as you can. You need to read English every day. You must write something about English. Then one day, you may find your English very good. 过去式:Last Sunday,I went to the supermark with my son. There were many people!Then I bought the things.But when I chosed the things ,I cant see my son!My son was lost! Then I went to find him. So I bought nothing. Then I found my son was in the supermark door.My son was crying when I found him. He said I dont want to go to the supermark again!


 Sample Farewell Letter 英文告别信范文

Dear Co-workers:

As most of you must have already known by now, this is my last day in the office. After

some serious bit of thinking, I have finally accepted an offer from the Papyrus Group,

and would be joining them from the beginning of next month. I would like to take this

opportunity to let you know that working with you people was one of the most interesting

phases of my life.

While leaving from here, my mind has been flooded with mixed feelings. I am happy about

joining a new venture on a better position and package, but at the same time, it's

saddening that I am leaving an organization where I made so many friends and got a

handful of lessons on professionalism. As for now, I can only hope that things would be

same at my new workplace, and I will be able to enjoy every moment I spend there as I

have been doing here.

Thank you for making my tenure at the Miller Inc., so wonderful. I know that the support

and timely guidance I got from you people would indeed help me to deal with the new

challenges that come my way as I start a new phase of my career.

Lastly, my new job requires me to relocate to New Orleans, which I will be doing over

the next couple of days. I have added my contact details below so that we can stay in

touch even after I have relocated.

Thanks once again for everything. I wish you guys all the luck in your future endeavors.

Yours sincerely:

