我想不用说的那么复杂,用英语的话,就说“我们已经解除了合作关系, 根据公司规定,不便透露信息给你了”,估计也可以了。不要说的那么绝,什么删除记录啊之类的,将来说不定会再次合作。给自己留条余地。
Sorry,according to our principle, we can NOT provide information to you anymore, since your company has terminated the cooperation with us.
Thank you for your understanding.
Your Company has terminated cooperation with us
We have eliminated your record in our client list and system.
We will not provide any information for companies that are not our clients, according to our company regulations.
We are really sorry for that. Thanks.
You have ended the cooperation with us and we have removed the records from the client-list and system. According to our regulations, we are not allowed to provide any service to non-client company. We are sorry that we can't provide you any service any more.