I think that although the German team lost the game, but they are still a respectable young team, I admire them sweating in the game, doing all they play figure. Germany play against Argentina in that game, I learned a profound truth: Success goddess always favored only those who are prepared.
I have to admit, I kept saying that I hope Germany will lose to Spain, but because it was the German team beat Argentina, some of my throat just said. In fact I am a big fan of the German team.
Germany, o ye chariots of infinite prospect, don't give up, the boss is so low, Klose, lukas podolski has, mill, bastian schweinsteiger such main striker, And there's such a perfect per mertesacker defender, have what relation running the German you will receive data from team has saved. Please don't, the most respectable, you will receive data from team, I gave it to please, sweating in doing all they figure Numbers with Argentina in some Numbers. Please listen to a site, a profound goddess Success: how are favored the prepared.
如果你是德国队的铁杆球迷,那德国队打败阿根廷 你为什么要耿耿于怀?
Good job!German!