Ordinary World is completed by Lu Yao in May 1988 of a million words long masterpiece. Is a panoramic view to the performance of urban and rural social life in contemporary novels. The book is three.
On a broad background in the last decade, through complex conflicts and disputes of all walks of life depicted the image of many ordinary people. Labor and love, frustration and the pursuit of pain and joy, life and enormous social conflicts, complicated and interwoven, deeply era show ordinary people in the historical process of the path traversed by difficulties and setbacks. In particular the plight of the hero to face the spirit of hard work, today there is still a great impact on people.
平凡世界是由路遥于1988年5月完成的一百万字长的杰作, 是当代小说中城乡社会生活表现的全景, 全书为三本。
在过去十年的广泛背景下,通过各行各业的复杂冲突和纠纷描绘了许多普通人的形象, 劳动与爱情、挫折与追求痛苦与欢乐,生活与巨大的社会矛盾,复杂而交织,深刻的时代表现了普通人在历史进程中经历的艰难与挫折之路。 特别是英雄面对艰苦奋斗精神的困境,今天对人们的影响仍然很大
《平凡的世界》是从1975年开始创作的,而20世纪80年代中后期的文化背景是各种文学新思潮风起云涌,现代派、意识流等文学观念风靡一时,文学创作在形式和技巧上的求变求新令人目不暇接。与此相反,传统现实主义创作却受到“冷落” 。甚至有批评家认为,路遥的另一部小说《人生》的现实主义创作手法是落伍的,但路遥仍然坚持创作完成了这部小说。
Ordinary World is completed by Lu Yao in May 1988 of a million words long masterpiece. Is a panoramic view to the performance of urban and rural social life in contemporary novels. The book is three.
On a broad background in the last decade, through complex conflicts and disputes of all walks of life depicted the image of many ordinary people. Labor and love, frustration and the pursuit of pain and joy, life and enormous social conflicts, complicated and interwoven, deeply era show ordinary people in the historical process of the path traversed by difficulties and setbacks. In particular the plight of the hero to face the spirit of hard work, today there is still a great impact on people.
平凡世界是由路遥于1988年5月完成的一百万字长的杰作, 是当代小说中城乡社会生活表现的全景, 全书为三本。
在过去十年的广泛背景下,通过各行各业的复杂冲突和纠纷描绘了许多普通人的形象, 劳动与爱情、挫折与追求痛苦与欢乐,生活与巨大的社会矛盾,复杂而交织,深刻的时代表现了普通人在历史进程中经历的艰难与挫折之路。 特别是英雄面对艰苦奋斗精神的困境,今天对人们的影响仍然很大
参考资料:平凡的世界 百度百科
"Ordinary world" is a panoramic expression of the contemporary Chinese urban and rural social life in the novel. 《平凡的世界》是当代中国城乡社会生活在小说中的全景式表现。
On the basis of the original book three abbreviated as a, the content is more concentrated. 在原书三本的基础上缩写为一本,内容更为集中。
The author in nearly a decade to ask broad background, through the complex conflicts, score of the images of all walks of many ordinary people. 作者在近十年间的广阔背景上,通过复杂的矛盾纠葛,刻画了社会各阶级众多普通人的形象。
And love of labor, setbacks and pursue, suffering and happiness, daily life and the huge social conflict, the numerous and complicated intertwined, profoundly shows people in the era of big in the historical process through the difficult and tortuous path.劳动与爱情,挫折与追求,痛苦与快乐,日常生活与巨大社会冲突,纷繁地交织在一起,深刻的展示了普通人在大时代历史进程中所走过的艰难曲折的道路。
Introduction: labor is happy, no matter in which era. "Ordinary world" is in black and white to tell us the true meaning of life. 简介:劳动是幸福的,无论在哪个时代。“平凡的世界”是用黑白告诉我们生活的真谛。
It raised loud, people, no matter where, no matter how poor, as long as a fiery heart in, as long as we can love life, God is equal to him. Only as a worker, not the unfortunate as a burden, in order to do the masters of life, with their own sincere heart to experience, after all, life belongs to us only once. This is a book written with life. In the ancient earth and the desolate universe, there is a kind of ordinary voice, stirring.它响亮的提出,人,无论在什么位置,无论多么贫寒,只要一颗火热的心在,只要能热爱生活,上帝对他就是平等的。只有作一名劳动者,不把不幸当作负担,才能去做生活的主人,用自己真诚的心去体验,毕竟生命属于我们只有一次。这是一部用生命来写成的书。在亘古的大地与苍凉的宇宙间,有一种平凡的声音,荡气回肠。
平凡的世界:An ordinary world
"Ordinary World" is a long work of millions of words written by the famous Chinese writer Lu Yao; This is a panoramic expression of contemporary Chinese urban and rural social life novels;
The book consists of three parts; In the vast background of the nearly ten years from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, the author portrayed the image of many ordinary people at all levels of society through complex contradictions and centered on the two brothers Sunshaoan and Sunshaoping.
Labor and love, frustration and pursuit, pain and joy, daily life and huge social conflicts are intertwined with each other, profoundly demonstrating the difficult and tortuous road that ordinary people have walked through in the course of the history of the great era;
Read it to make people feel angry and unwilling to release the volume; Known as "the Pearl on the crown of Mao Dun Literature Award, the immortal classic that inspires tens of millions of young people."
Introduction to the author:
Lu Yao(1949-1992), formerly known as Wangweiguo, was born on December 3, 1949 in a poor peasant family in Qingyi County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. At the age of 7, he was passed on to his uncle in rural Yanchuan County because of family difficulties.
He studied at Yanchuan County Middle School and returned to agriculture in 1969. During this time he did a lot of temporary work and taught for a year in a rural primary school. In 1973, he entered the Chinese Department of Yan 'an University and began his literary creation.
After graduating from University, he was appointed "Shaanxi Literature and Art"(now "Yanhe"). In 1980, he published "An amazing and inspiring scene" and won the first National Outstanding Novella Award. In 1982, he published the novelette "Life" and was later adapted into a movie, which caused a sensation in the country.
In 1991, he completed the million-word masterpiece "The Ordinary World." This novel, with its magnificent momentum and epic character, represents in a panoramic manner the social life of China's urban and rural areas in the era of reform and the tremendous changes in people's thoughts and emotions.
It has not yet been broadcast on the Central People's Radio. Lu Yao won the Mao Dun Literature Award.
At 8:20 am on November 17, 1992, Lu Yao died in Xi'an due to invalid medical treatment and was only 42 years old.
大学毕业后,任《陕西文艺》(今为《延河》)编 辑。1980年发表《惊人动魄的一幕》,获得第一届全国优秀中篇小说奖。1982年发表中篇小说《人生》,后被改编为电影,轰动全国。
Content Summary:
The "Ordinary World" time span from 1975 to 1985 reflects the huge historical changes in urban and rural social life in China in the past 10 years.
With the two brothers Sunshaoan and Sunshaoping as the center, with the changes of the entire society and the transformation of ideas as the background, through the complex contradictions, the image of ordinary people from all walks of life was portrayed.
It successfully shaped Sunshaoan and Sunshaoping, who silently suffered for life, where human self-esteem, self-improvement and self-confidence, life's suffering and struggle, frustration and pursuit, pain and joy, and the complexity of reading. Do not tolerate the release of the volume.
The book's most touching, is the Sun's brothers are unwilling to fate dolls, in the heavy life to discover their own imprisoned values, self-improvement of the fate of the main melody.
平凡世界是由路遥于1988年5月完成的一百万字长的杰作, 是当代小说中城乡社会生活表现的全景, 全书为三本。
在过去十年的广泛背景下,通过各行各业的复杂冲突和纠纷描绘了许多普通人的形象, 劳动与爱情、挫折与追求痛苦与欢乐,生活与巨大的社会矛盾,复杂而交织,深刻的时代表现了普通人在历史进程中经历的艰难与挫折之路。 特别是英雄面对艰苦奋斗精神的困境,今天对人们的影响仍然很大。
Ordinary World is completed by Lu Yao in May 1988 of a million words long masterpiece. Is a panoramic view to the performance of urban and rural social life in contemporary novels. The book is three.
On a broad background in the last decade, through complex conflicts and disputes of all walks of life depicted the image of many ordinary people. Labor and love, frustration and the pursuit of pain and joy, life and enormous social conflicts, complicated and interwoven, deeply era show ordinary people in the historical process of the path traversed by difficulties and setbacks. In particular the plight of the hero to face the spirit of hard work, today there is still a great impact on people.
第一部写1975年初农民子弟孙少平到原西县高中读书,他贫困,自尊;学习和劳动都好,与地主家庭出身的郝红梅互相爱怜,后来郝红梅却与家境优越的顾养民恋爱,少平又高考落榜,回乡生产。但他并没有消沉, 与县革委副主任田福军女儿田晓霞建立了友情,在晓霞帮助下关注着外部世界。少平的哥哥少安一直在家劳动,与村支书田福堂女儿,县城教师润叶是青梅竹马,却遭到田福堂反对。经过痛苦的煎熬,少安到山西找到了勤劳善良的秀莲,润叶也只得含泪与向前结婚。这时农村生活混乱,旱灾又火上加油,田福堂为加强自己威信,组织偷挖河坝与上游抢水,不料出了人命,为了“学大寨”,他好大喜功炸山修田叫人搬家又弄得天怒人怨。生活的航道已到了非改变不可的地步。
第二部写 1979年春十一届三中全会后百废待兴又矛盾重重,田福堂连夜召开支部会抵制责任制,孙少安却领导生产队率先实行接着也就在全村推广了责任制。少安又进城 拉砖,用赚的钱建窑烧砖,成了公社的“冒尖户”。少平青春的梦想和追求也激励着他到外面去“闯荡世界”,他从漂泊的揽工汉成为正式的建筑工人,最后又获得 了当煤矿工人的好机遇,他的女友晓霞从师专毕业后到省报当了记者,他们相约两年后再相会。润叶远离她不爱的丈夫到团地委工作,引起钟情痴心的丈夫酒后开车致残,润叶受到内疚回到丈夫身边,开始幸福生活。她的弟弟润生也已长大成人,他在异乡与命运坎坷的郝红梅邂逅,终于两人结为夫妻。往昔主宰全村命运的强人田福堂,不仅对新时期的变革抵触,同时也为女儿、儿子的婚事窝火,加上病魔缠身,弄得焦头烂额。
第三部写1982年孙少平到了煤矿,尽心尽力干活,成了一 名优秀工人。少安的砖窑也有了很大发展,他决定贷款扩建机器制砖,不料因技师根本不懂技术,砖窑蒙受很大损失,后来 在朋友和县长的帮助下再度奋起。润叶也生活幸福,生了个胖儿子,润生和郝红梅的婚事也终于得到了父母的承认,并添了可爱的女儿。但是祸不单行,少安的妻子秀莲,在欢庆由他家出资两万元扩建的小学会上口吐鲜血,确诊肺癌。晓霞在抗洪采访中为抢救灾民光荣献身。少平在一次事故中为救护徒弟也受了重伤。但他们并没有被不幸压垮,少平从医院出来,又充满信心地回到了矿山,迎接他的又将是怎样的生活呢?……