北京市委、市政府确定9月19日为诚信日。让我们一起倡导, 这是我们学习的一个很好的抓手!倡导诚信,对我们改革开放和现代化建设的今天十分重要!姜春云指出,我们要规范市场秩序加强诚信保障体系建设 。社会呼唤诚信,我们要遵守诚信!
而毫无疑问,考场作弊是最典型的诚信缺失行为。有人认为作弊是小事,被抓了自认倒霉,没有抓住自己就捡了便宜,在思想上不把它当回事儿。可我们要说,作弊并不仅仅是一个人道德操守卑劣的表现,也是一个人缺乏最基本处事原则的表现。在竞争激烈的现代社会中,“诚信”被推为经济活动中的帝王原则。微软中国研究院院长李开复在谈论纳贤之道时说:“对一个公司来说,首先是诚实守信,第二才是才能,有才能而不守信,给公司带来的危害比能力差的人更大。”可见,社会用人单位欢迎的是有真才实学、诚实守信的人! 中国还有一句话:勿以恶小而为之。因为积小恶可以成大恶。现在没有充分认识考试作弊、抄袭作业的危害性,这种目前的“小恶”将会渐渐成为性格中最顽固的一部分,带有这种“小恶”习惯走上社会后,会不会变成前不久被暴光的北大剽窃教授式的人物?当这样的人物充斥社会的时候,我们的国家又将会变成什么样子?不论对我们个人还是对我们国家来说,考试作弊都是我们新世纪大学生的耻辱!都是对我们诚信形象的玷污!现在中国许多不诚信事实的发生是转轨时期的伴生现象,这是一个暂时现象。特别是青年人看到许多不诚信的现象,不可认为中国永远都会是这样。中国将会建立起信用体系,青年人要为中国的信用制度以身作则。我们作为当代青少年,祖国的未来和民族的明天都寄托在我们身上,“诚信中国,诚信青少年”不仅仅要求我们青少年具有这样的历史任命感,而且也要为中华民族踏踏实实的做一点实事,为祖国的明天做一点贡献。
One duty, honesty and trustworthiness.
"Three cups RanNuo vomit, mountains for light." This is li bai's poems, the chivalrous persons do "to describe the promise is heavier than mountain, the important speech integrity. China has a history of five thousand years, sincerity is always civilizations of virtue, "Chinese proud man without faith and not made". Honesty is the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. China, advocating "integrity" civilization, as early as in ancient stream for thousands of years, Confucius said: "people without faith not only its", meaning is: "faith, its". For thousands of years, people with sincerity, honesty. Integrity of pure plain. In The Three Kingdoms period, liu2 bei4 organisation story everyone may have heard: TuoGu and adjuvant liu2 bei4 zhuge liang, as the geliang said: "after the first emperor YiZhao by grace, be grateful, today, the table, which greatly. As the han, seven qi mountain, devoted efforts, nor fame. What is credit? Zhuge liang is honesty. Honest, can promise and trust of others. Honesty is the fundamental moral construction, is a very valuable qualities. "Good" in China, said: "the gentleman's back." But in today's society, some western thoughts, "don't care everlasting, care once owned", in the life lost themselves, a fast, born in desperate, desperate after overdrawing himself has little faith, that is, the behavior of the consequences of ChengKeJie into: science! In the history of several thousand years, a lot of discussion about integrity, also have many stories of integrity. These precious, today can also give us profound inspiration. Honesty is the premise of all ethical depend upon. The man, what also don't work out. The yue: cable in darkroom, MoLiang to fire, In an MoLiang cable, YuCheng. By means of the best fetch flared in the darkness, Honesty and credibility, and can only in the world. "DeDaoDuoZhu" the ancients can understand, and as such, the contemporary middle school students, we should be more honest person! Adolescence is the golden age of life, life, is to true self-purity and beautiful period. But the most easily and honesty is the most should not let people ignore the virtue, we should take honesty as the life of a coordinate, honest, honestly, do LaoShiShi. Honesty and integrity of people to oneself, sincerity is like a moon, but with higher, the bright can foil a treat life attitudes. Honesty is like a Jordan farmar, lives in the balance, put on his wavering, the balance will firmly tend to him, Honesty is more like the water in the mountains, and to the society, XiJinQianHua floating, to cleanse hypocrisy, show sincerity. So we should advocate vigorously in the whole society, social credibility to the purification, a responsibility!
Beijing municipal party committee and the city government determined on September 19th, for honesty. Let us together, this is our learning of a very good means! Advocate honesty, for our reform, opening up and modernization of the very important today! JiangChunYun pointed out that we should standardize market order strengthen credit guarantee system construction. Social credit, we call to abide by integrity!
Here is a story to happen in the real things around us: a key universities in the class has a few home economic difficulties, the national student loan application, from whom I first heard "personal credit system" this word. I also understand that in this university, for graduates in the credit loan problem in this industry, without approval of the bank loans, And that several economic difficulties, because their shigeshijiemen on jobs after graduation is trustworthy, won the trust of commercial bank, make me they successfully get loans for approval. It makes me deeply realized to a person or an integrity of the school.
Cheating in exam, but no doubt is the most typical of honesty and faith deficiency. Somebody thinks that cheating is small, caught from recognize unlucky, no catch yourself is picked up cheap, don't put it in thought seriously. Can we say, not only is a cheat personal ethics despicable, is also a person lack even the most basic philosophy. In the fierce competition in the modern society, "sincerity" is pushed for economic activities in imperial principle. Microsoft China research institute President li kaifu talk in a way, said: "for a company, it is first, the second is honest, trustworthy, ability without harm to the company than poor ability." Visible, social unit of choose and employ persons is a popular gain, honest man! China has not evil: for the small. Because the product evil can into wickedness. Now no sufficient understanding of cheating in the exam, copy homework, the present hazardous "little evil" will gradually become part of most stubborn character, with this "little evil" habit to society, will shortly after the north light into the characters of plagiarism professor? When such characters full of society, our country will become what look like? Whether to our personal or for our country, cheating in the exam is our new students humiliation! All of our credibility image is defiled! Now, many Chinese don't honesty is the transitional period of the facts of the accompanying phenomenon, this is a temporary phenomenon. Especially young people see many dishonest phenomenon, do not believe China will always be so. China will establish the credit system in China, young people want the example of credit system. We as a contemporary teenagers, the future of a country and nation rely upon us tomorrow, "honesty, sincerity" China not only our youth has such a historical sense, but also appointed for the Chinese nation do dependably, seeking for the motherland tomorrow.