
2024-12-13 05:31:15

Objective: incision surgery patients with type Ⅰ Perioperative antibacterial agents for analysis and understanding of surgical incision patients with type Ⅰ Perioperative antibiotic use, drugs for the hospital management and provide the basis for clinical medication.
方法:随机抽查某医院2009年1月至2009年12月出院的Ⅰ类切口手术患者病历347份,对患者的一般情况、抗菌药物使用情况、住院总费用、总药费、抗菌药费等信息进行统计分析,对药物选择、给药时间和使用时间、溶剂选择、用药途径、联合用药等的合理性进行评价,并将结果和建议反馈给相关科室。 Methods: A random check of a hospital from January 2009 to December 2009 and discharged the Ⅰ type 347 medical records of patients undergoing incision, the patient's general condition, antibiotic use, hospital costs, total drugs, antibacterial drugs and other information statistical analysis, drug selection, delivery time and the use of time, solvent choice, route of administration, the rationality of such combination therapy to evaluate the findings and recommendations and feedback to the relevant sections. 合理性评价标准参照《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》(以后简称《指导原则》)。 Criterion-referenced assessment of reasonableness, "clinical application of antibacterial guidelines" (later referred to as "guiding principles").