「天才=1%的灵感+99%的汗水」这句话是托马斯爱迪生说的。而且这句话是爱迪生在1903年说的,发表在 Harper's Monthly 1903年9月刊上面。
原文是:Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.
另一个出处是1929年的一次新闻发布会上,爱迪生说:“我没有一项发明是碰巧得来的。当看到了一个值得人们投入精力、物力的社会需求有待满足后,我就一次又一次地做实验,直到它化为现实。这得最终得归于百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水。”这些话在一部1999年的英语教育纪录片《20世纪的不同寻常的朋友》(Uncommon Friends of the Twentieth Century)中被引用到。
Without the one percent of inspiration, all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket of sweat."(但那1%的灵感是最重要的,甚至比那99%的汗水都要重要。)
这段话, 确实是美国的当代女作家 Cindi Myers 说的话,而不是爱迪生说的. 我们可以在"Dharma Moments"(Danai Chanchaochai, 2006, ISBN: 1857883853) 一书的前言中得到旁证:
Yes, we do need to work at it sometimes when we’re looking for answers, but as writer Cindi Myers stylishly points out, “Without the one percent of inspiration, all the perspiration in the world is only a bucket of sweat.” (Prapai Kraisornkovit, p.17)
其次, Cindi Myers的笔名是Cynthia Sterling. 所以,在Cindi Myers个人网站上有如下: Cindi sold her first novel in 1997. Writing as Cynthia Sterling, she wrote seven historical romances for Berkley and Kensington before turning to contemporary fiction. In 2006 her twenty-fifth book will be published.
也就是说,被佚名作者当作“爱迪生名言“的后半部分,确实是归属于 Cindi Myers。