Has many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently We often hear some people to ask that,“How did you sell to a comb the buddhist priest” or “you how sold to the ice `eskimo'” and so on,people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the marketing and the sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so onHas many people frequently jumbles together the Actually,This is typical “take the product as the center” sales promotion view. Does not understand the market marketing the performance. The enterprise takes the commodity exchange process the initiative side,sales promotion,If is called the salesman the marketing and so on