解决方法:在我的电脑-右键-属性,在系统属性对话框中选择高级-环境变量-用户变量-TMP改为C:\Temp ,同时在C的根目录下建立Temp文件夹,问题可以解决!
其他原因就不知道了。 官方网站也没有太详细的解决办法。 你是用什么安装的,CD还是下载的文件。 还有你的系统文件格式是什么FAT还是NTFS,还有操作系统又是什么呢?XP?
To address this issue, first make sure the name of the directory you are using does not have any spaces in it.
Also, if you are running on Windows 95/98/ME, another possibility is that you may have drivers that allow you to read long filenames, but your system won't allow this because you are running in DOS compatibility mode. You can check this by right-clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties. In the window that pops up, select the Performance tab. If you are running in DOS compatibility mode, it will say this in the middle of the screen. Otherwise, it will say "Your system is configured for optimal performance". Please refer to Windows online help or a Windows manual for more information on changing this.