面,叫"2010,专四,快让我过了吧(2010专四真题和答案都来啊)". 去这个网站
看看吧,它的论坛也提供了大量可以下载的资源,还有过级的经验, 了解一些相
我的口语就是跟这家老师学习提高的,1:1的授课方式,E x say英语,ABC先下在线口语,多恩加英语,Hkknow英语你可以去看看.好.,课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的,这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步,我就进步很多了。1. D room services. D air tickets, local transport and all meals. A The traveller is reluctant to buy travel insurance. C Mark doesn’t the exact number of the delegates yet. A the arrival time of the guest speakers. B two. D an airline company. C her laptop. C in her client’s office10. D the check book inside bore her name11. D the Arts ans Science program1. B Trty thousand dollars1. A federal loans1. D Australia1. D take cldren to watch sports events1. B spend more time with cdren1. C Australia 1. B infected cldren and women1. D it has worked in five countries till now0. A the importance of government support 1. C a -year-old woman. B two months later. A all parties have agreed upon it. D the end of 011. C the prison authorities . A to be imprisoned and fined. B public use of the beach. A The airport was shut down for Friday . C 10. A The rescue operation involved many people
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