这是两个单词,top up and withdraw,简单地说或者从字面也可以理解top up是充值,withdraw是取钱。
top up金钱方面可解释为存钱,充值,即往账户里增加金额。也可以是把杯子之类的容器用液体填满。
top sth off to add liquid in order to fill to the top a container that is already partly full:
Would you like me to top up your drink?
Mix together some lemon juice and sugar, then top it up with water.
to add more of something, especially money, to an existing amount to create the total you need:
Students were able to take out loans to top up their grants.
This is the easiest way to top up your mobile phone.
top-up payments
withdraw 金钱方面可以解释为提现,即把账户里的减少。它还有撤销,撤退,离开的意思。
to take something back, or to remove something:
[ T ] He asked that his name be withdrawn from nomination for a Golden Globe Award.
[ T ] Democrats threatened to withdraw (= stop giving) their support of the tax bill.
[ T ] I have to withdraw (= take out) some money from an ATM machine.
top up是充值。withdraw是提现
top up with draw的中文翻译_
top up with draw
top up withdraw