
2024-12-11 22:02:22

对帐单 The bill
卡级别:主卡 Card-level: Comptroller card
钞/汇标志 Banknote / sink signs
交易账户 Transaction Accounts
交易日期 Transaction Date
入帐日期 Date recorded
交易摘要 Transaction Summary
账户余额 Account balances
柜员流水 Teller water
备用金金额 The amount of imprest
小额余额 Small balance
预授权金额 Pre-authorized payment
教育储蓄余额 Education savings balance
定期指定余额 Regular designated balance
定期质押余额 Regular pledge balance
通知存款余额 Notice deposit balance
大额余额 Large balance
小额挂失余额 Small balances reported loss
零存整取余额 Deposits bit by bit and withdraws a lump sum the remaining sum
存本取息余额 The balance of income from
定期约定余额 Regular agreement balance
外汇宝总控余额 Exchange-balance Master Control
定活两便余额 Fixed-will balance
柜员流水号Teller sequence id