before
you:在你面前。
例句:
1.
Please
unplug
the
before
you
go
to
bed.临睡前请拔下电视机的插头。
2.
Could
we
have
a
word
before
you
go
to
the
meeting?你去开会之前,咱们能私下说句话吗?
3.
Get
out
of
those
wet
clothes
before
you
catch
cold.把湿衣服脱掉,不然要伤风的。
4.
Go
over
your
work
carefully
before
you
hand
it
in.交作业前要仔细检查一下。
5.
Try
on
the
shoes
before
you
buy
them.买鞋要先穿上试试再买。
6.
Cut
up
the
carrot
before
you
put
them
into
the
pot.把胡萝卜切碎後再放进锅内。
7.
Examine
the
account
well
before
you
pay
it.在付款以前仔细核对一下帐目。