The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty rulers in Chinese history to establish a unified dynasty, most of its capital (now Beijing), whose founder of Kublai Khan. Set the country since the Yuan Dynasty Kublai Khan, the calendar 11 Emperor, a total of Jiushibanian. From the date the founding of Genghis Khan, Emperor Li 15,一百六十三年. After the Yuan Dynasty unified the whole country boundaries are: north to Siberia, south to the South China Sea, south-west, including present-day Tibet, Yunnan, Xinjiang, far northwestern, north-east to the Sea of Okhotsk. Breadth of its territory, ranking China the most of North Korea.
Yuan dynasty was a united dynasty established by the Mongols,its capital was Dadu(now Beijin),and the founder was Kublai Khan. Yuan dynasty begun since Kublai Khan set up the empire's name, it had gone through 11 emperors, totaled 98 years.if we count the years up from Genghis Khan established the nation, it had gone through 15 emprors, totaled 163 years.After the Yuan Dynasty unified, the whole country territory north to Siberia, south to the South China Sea, south-west territory including today's Tibet, Yunnan, northwest to today's Xinjiang, north-east to the Sea of Okhotsk. its territory's breadth ranking the first in ancient China.
Yuan dynasty in Chinese history of Mongolian ruler, unified dynasty (Beijing) based mostly, the founder YuanShiZu for Kublai Khan. Yuan, fixed amount from Kublai Khan, JiuShiBaNian alex 11 emperor. Founding from genghis khan, calendar, 160 years. We ten After the yuan dynasty unified national territory is: north to south sea to Siberia, southwest, Tibet, yunnan, including present northwest xinjiang, since northeast to the sea of okhotsk. The territory of China, the most toward.
The Yuan dynasty is the unified dynasty that the Chinese Moggol nationality ruler in history builds , Dadu (now Beijing) , it's creator founding a capital are Emperor Shi Zu of Yuan dynasty Kublai. The Yuan dynasty passes through eleven emperors starting from when Kublai fixes the name of a dynasty,together 98. Fifteen emperors who build up a country calculating up , pass through from Genghis Khan, 163 years. That the Yuan dynasty unites the territory behind the whole nation is: The north arrives at Siberia , arrives at Nanhai Sea southward, southwest includes now Xizang , Yunnan, northwest so far Xinjiang , northeast China to Okhotsk Sea. It's broad of territory , residence Chinese best of every dynasty.