Paper cutting is a traditional art in China which has gradually developed throughout the long history of paper(剪纸是中国的传统艺术,它从整个漫长的造纸术历史中逐渐发展而来).Although the cuts here seem simply like animals or flowers, they in fact can represent many longstanding symbols in Chinese culture or literary idioms(尽管剪纸的内容一般是动物和花朵,但实际上这些内容所代表的都是中国文化和文学成语中长期积淀下来的符号象征).
Paper-cut folk arts in China, occupies a high position, paper cutting originated in the 4th century BC, was the invention of the Han Dynasty papermaking, paper cutting patterns, including figures, flowers, birds, landscapes and so on.
有现成的, 我空间里有整个的英文介绍