
外国礼仪的英文+翻译。。。 越多越好
2024-12-02 22:12:15




  而西方人对待赞美的态度可谓是“喜形于色”,总是用“Thank you”来应对别人的赞美。








  无论是中国人,还是西方人,都喜欢向自己的亲朋好友提一些友好的建议和劝告,以示关心和爱护。但中西方人在提劝告和建议的方式上却有很大区别。 (来源:EnglishCN英语问答中心[e问e答])


  Good manners mean being polite, respectful, thoughtful and helpful.
  Be polite to everyone, no matter who he is. Say “please” and “thank you” whenever you want people to do something. Don’t be rude, insulting or demanding. Don’t be angry or upset. Even if you get angry, you should be patient and polite.
  Show respect to everyone, male or female, young or old. Speak to them respectfully. Listen to their advice, and do not interrupt them.
  Be thoughtful. Imagine yourself in the other’s position; respect their needs, wishes, and opinions. Consider their feelings, and don’t do or say things that will hurt them.
  Help people whenever you can. Hold the door for one whose arms are full of packages. Offer to help an old woman to cross the street. If someone asks you for directions, take the time to help him if you can. This will brighten both his day and yours.
  Having good manners makes things easier. When you are nice to people, they are nice to you in return. Show them good manners and they will do the same to you.


Good manners mean being polite, respectful, thoughtful and helpful.
Be polite to everyone, no matter who he is. Say “please” and “thank you” whenever you want people to do something. Don’t be rude, insulting or demanding. Don’t be angry or upset. Even if you get angry, you should be patient and polite.
Show respect to everyone, male or female, young or old. Speak to them respectfully. Listen to their advice, and do not interrupt them.
Be thoughtful. Imagine yourself in the other’s position; respect their needs, wishes, and opinions. Consider their feelings, and don’t do or say things that will hurt them.
Help people whenever you can. Hold the door for one whose arms are full of packages. Offer to help an old woman to cross the street. If someone asks you for directions, take the time to help him if you can. This will brighten both his day and yours.
Having good manners makes things easier. When you are nice to people, they are nice to you in return. Show them good manners and they will do the same to you.