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2025-01-04 06:36:31

135:242509w Polymer-supported reagents, catalysts,and sorbents: evolution and exploitation -a personalized view. Sherrington,D.C. (Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry ,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,UK G1 1XL). J.Polym.Sci,Part A:Polym.Chem.2001,39(14),2364-2377(Eng),John Wiley & Sons,Inc.
135:242509w 一份个性化的见解:聚合物载体试剂、催化剂和吸附材料的演变与利用
Sherrington,D.C.(G1 1XL英国格拉斯哥Strathclyde大学,理论与应用化学部)
聚合物科学,A部分:聚合物化学2001,39(14),2364-2377(英国), John Wiley 父子公司。.

A review with 93 refs .summarizes how the evolution of solid-phase org.synthesis occurred in parallel with the development of supported reactive species and indicates the interchange between these areas in the lasr 30 yr.

The requirement of robotic technologies, as the basis for high-throughput combinatorial and parallel synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry, has brought the relevance of supported chem. to the attention of all synthetic chemists .

At the same time ,the recognition that all industrial chem.processes need to meet appropriate environmental stds.has focused attention on the use of heterogenized reactive species as a potentially importent technol.for achieving the greening of chem.

These two factors have brought polymer-supported chem. to center stage, so to speak, and the early principles laid down over 2 decades ago are now being developed and exploited at an amazing rate.

From a rather slow start , through a no , of ups and downs in its development, the area of polymer-supported chem. now seems poised to join the more routine world of synthesis and to become a methodol .uesd by all as and when appropriate. A review considers polymer-supported, and ion-exchange resin catalysts.


135:242509w聚合物支载的各类试剂、催化剂、吸附剂:演化和剥削——个性化的观点。Sherrington特区。(部门的纯应用化学,大学、英国格拉斯哥斯特拉恩克莱德G1 1XL)。J.Polym.Sci Polym.Chem.2001二39(14),2364-2377(英格),与儿子、股份有限公司。综述了93裁判.summarizes如何演化的固相org.synthesis发生在平行发展的反应种表示支持,这些地区之间的交流lasr 30岁了。机器人技术的要求,作为基础为大规模组合和并联合成医药产业带来的相关性,注意所有支持chem.to合成化学家,认识到所有的工业chem.processes需要满足适当的环境stds.has会把注意力集中在使用heterogenized可作为一种潜在的反应种重要的化学technol.for实现…这两个因素都带来了聚合物反应chem.to舞台的中心,可以这么说,早期的原则在2年前正在研制和开发以惊人的速度从一开始,通过一个很慢的起起落落,在它的发展,这个地区的一个没有、聚合物起起落落,在其发展的chem.now似乎准备加入聚合物的合成的更多的日常世界,成为methodol .uesd一样,都在适当的时候。回顾,认为聚合物固载催化剂离子交换树脂。


135:242509瓦特聚合物支试剂,催化剂和吸附剂:演变和剥削,个性化的观点。谢林顿,区(部)纯粹与应用化学系,斯特拉斯克莱德英国格拉斯哥大学的G1期1XL。 J.Polym.Sci,A部分:Polym.Chem.2001,39(14),2364 - 2377(英文),威利父子公司阿参的93审查。总结如何固相牛津演变。


135:242509w Polymer-supported reagents,catalysts,and sorbents:evolution and exploitation -a personalized view. Sherrington,D.C. (Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry ,University of Strathclyde,Glasgow,UK G1 1XL). J.Polym.Sci,Part A:Polym.Chem.2001,39(14),2364-2377(Eng),John Wiley & Sons,Inc. A review with 93 refs .summarizes how the evolution of solid-phase org.synthesis occurred in parallel with the development of supported reactive species and indicates the interchange between these areas in the lasr 30 yr. The requirement of robotic technologies,as the basis for high-throughput combinatorial and parallel synthesis in the pharmaceutical industry,has brought the relevance of supported chem.to the attention of all synthetic chemists .At the same time ,the recognition that all industrial chem.processes need to meet appropriate environmental stds.has focused attention on the use of heterogenized reactive species as a potentially importent technol.for achieving the greening of chem.These two factors have brought polymer-supported reactive chem.to center stage,so to speak,and the early principles laid down over 2 decades ago are now being developed and exploited at an amazing rate.From a rather slow start , through a no , of ups and downs in its development,the area of polymer-supported a no,of ups and downs in its development , the area of polymer-supported chem.now seems poised to join the more routine world of synthesis and to become a methodol .uesd by all as and when appropriate. A review considerspolymer-supported,and ion-exchange resin catalysts.
135:242509瓦特聚合物支试剂,催化剂和吸附剂:演变和剥削,个性化的观点。谢林顿,特区(部)纯粹与应用化学系,斯特拉斯克莱德英国格拉斯哥大学的G1期1XL。 J.Polym.Sci,A部分:Polym.Chem.2001,39(14),2364 - 2377(英文),威利父子公司阿参的93审查。总结如何固相org.synthesis进化发生在平行的支持,反应物的发展,表明在尾页页次:30正接受这些地区之间的交流。机器人技术的要求,作为高吞吐量和并行组合在制药工业的综合基础上,带来了相关的支持chem.to所有合成化学家的关注。与此同时,认识到所有工业化学。过程必须符合适当的环境stds.has集中在多相反应物种的潜在importent实现chem.These绿化technol.for两个因素带来的使用注意聚合物反应chem.to支持的中心舞台,可以这么说,和早期的原则,规定了200多年前,现在正在开发和惊人rate.From起步相对较慢通过一个没有剥削,在跌宕起伏的发展,在聚合物领域,支持没有起伏,在其发展的起伏,在高分子领域的支持chem.now似乎即将加入合成更多的日常世界,成为methodol。通过一切适当的时候uesd。检讨认为聚合物的支持,和离子交换树脂催化剂。



135:242509w聚合物支载的各类试剂、催化剂、吸附剂:演化和剥削——个性化的观点。谢林顿特区。(英国格拉斯哥斯特拉恩克莱德G1 1XL大学的应用化学部门)。J.Polym.Sci Polym.Chem.2001二39(14),2364-2377(英格),与儿子、股份有限公司。综述了93裁判.summarizes如何演化的固相org.synthesis发生在平行发展的反应种表示支持,这些地区之间的交流lasr 30岁了。机器人技术的要求,作为基础为大规模组合和并联合成医药产业带来的相关性,注意所有支持chem.to合成化学家,认识到所有的工业chem.processes需要满足适当的环境stds.has会把注意力集中在使用heterogenized可作为一种潜在的反应种重要的化学technol.for实现…这两个因素都带来了聚合物反应chem.to舞台的中心,可以这么说,早期的原则在2年前正在研制和开发以惊人的速度从一开始,通过一个很慢的起起落落,在它的发展,这个地区的一个没有、聚合物起起落落,在其发展的chem.now似乎准备加入聚合物的合成的更多的日常世界,成为methodol .uesd一样,都在适当的时候。回顾,认为聚合物固载催化剂离子交换树脂