Pythagoras [1] (Pythagoras, 572 BC? -497 BC?) The ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher.
580 million years ago, Pythagoras was born in Miri are near Samos (now the eastern island of Greece) - the main island of Ionian Islands, one of the cities at this time is is in the zenith period, in the economic, cultural and other fields are far ahead of mainland Greece, the various city-states.
Pythagoras's father was a wealthy merchant, was nine years old when his father sent to the Tire, in the Syrian Semitic scholars studying there, where he contacted the Eastern religions and cultures. Later, he along with his father on many occasions for business travel to Asia Minor.
551 BC, Pythagoras came to Miletus, may Loos and other places, visited Thales, Anaximander, and Phil Quds, and became their students. Prior to that, he was already a poet Klein Samos, where the non-Ross studied poetry and music.
BC 550, 30-year-old propaganda and rational theology by Pythagoras, wearing oriental clothes, she has the hair, causing local resentment has been Pythagoras from Samos who has any preconceived ideas that he unconventional, advocating heresy. 535 BC Pythagoras was forced to leave home to Egypt, the way he was staying in the Phoenician coastal cities of all, learning the local mythology and religion, and in a temple in the Tire retreat.
After arriving in Egypt, the king Emaxisi recommended him into the temple to learn. From 535 BC to 525 BC, the decade, the Pythagoras studied hieroglyphs and Egyptian history, mythology and religion, and the promotion of the Greek philosophy, the Greeks respected by many, many people invested in his subglottic study.
Pythagorean theorem - Pythagorean theorem
I have to discover the Pythagorean theorem Pythagorean theorem Pythagorean (the West called the Pythagorean theorem) known world. This theorem has long been known as the Babylonians and the Chinese people (in the Warring States period in ancient China about Han's math book, "Zhou Bi Suan Jing" and recorded by a high a conversation with the Duke of Zhou. By High, said: "... it is off moments, hook-Canton 3, stock repair four or five by the corner. "provider of high period, then the meaning of that: When the right-angled triangle the two sides were three right-angle (short side) and 4 (long side), the diameter corner (that is, string), compared to 5. In future, people would simply tell the truth as a "hook three four strings and five." This is China's well-known Pythagorean theorem.), but probably can be attributed to the earliest proof of Pythagoras. Deductive method to prove that he is the square of hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the square of the sum of two right-angle side, namely, the Pythagorean Theorem (Pythagorean Theorem)
Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, philosophers.
580 million years ago, Pythagoras was born in Miri are near Samos (now the eastern island of Greece) - the main island of Ionian Islands, one of the cities at this time is is in the zenith period, in the economic, cultural and other fields are far ahead of mainland Greece, the various city-states.
Pythagoras's father was a wealthy merchant, was nine years old when his father sent to the Tire, in the Syrian Semitic scholars studying there, where he contacted the Eastern religions and cultures. Later, he along with his father on many occasions for business travel to Asia Minor.
551 BC, Pythagoras came to Miletus, may Loos and other places, visited Thales, Anaximander, and Phil Quds, and became their students. Prior to that, he was already a poet Klein Samos, where the non-Ross studied poetry and music.
BC 550, 30-year-old propaganda and rational theology by Pythagoras, wearing oriental clothes, she has the hair, causing local resentment has been Pythagoras from Samos who has any preconceived ideas that he unconventional, advocating heresy. 535 BC Pythagoras was forced to leave home to Egypt, the way he was staying in the Phoenician coastal cities of all, learning the local mythology and religion, and in a temple in the Tire retreat.
After arriving in Egypt, the king Emaxisi recommended him into the temple to learn. From 535 BC to 525 BC, the decade, the Pythagoras studied hieroglyphs and Egyptian history, mythology and religion, and the promotion of the Greek philosophy, the Greeks respected by many, many people invested in his subglottic study.
Pythagorean theorem - Pythagorean theorem
I have to find Pythagorean theorem Pythagorean Pythagorean theorem (the West called the Pythagorean theorem) known world. This theorem has long been known as the Babylonians and the Chinese people (in the Warring States period in ancient China about Han's math book, "Zhou Bi Suan Jing" and recorded by a high a conversation with the Duke of Zhou. By High, said: "... it is off moments, hook-Canton 3, stock repair four or five by the corner. "provider of high period, then the meaning of that: When the right-angled triangle the two sides were three right-angle (short side) and 4 (long side), the diameter corner (that is, string), compared to 5. In future, people would simply tell the truth as a "hook three four strings and five."
This is China's famous Pythagorean theorem.), But probably can be attributed to the earliest proof of Pythagoras. Deductive method to prove that he is the square of hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the square of the sum of two right-angle side, namely, the Pythagorean Theorem (Pythagorean Theorem).